sovit-123 / fasterrcnn-pytorch-training-pipeline

PyTorch Faster R-CNN Object Detection on Custom Dataset
MIT License
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Confusion matrix, Precision-recall curve, F1 curve; Precision, recall and confidence curve #132

Open ingenious-hans opened 2 months ago

ingenious-hans commented 2 months ago

Hello dear. Is it possible to integrate the Confusion matrix, Precision-recall curve, F1 curve; Precision, recall and confidence curve. For research purposes, I am currently blocked at the task. Thank you for your good work

sovit-123 commented 2 months ago

Hello. I will try to do so. I have paused the updates for this project for a few months now because of some other priority projects. I hope I can jump back at it soon.

ID6109 commented 2 weeks ago

any updates? @sovit-123