### Tasks
- [ ] Our new Catalog UI API Wrapper endpoint should contain a data offer's negotiated contracts (key is endpoint + asset id).
- [ ] Possibly link an existing contract-agreement so we can directly navigate to the contract agreement from a data offer that has some negotiated contracts (one data offer can have multiple policies it's available under and multiple contract agreements!)
- [ ] Implement this in the UI.
Feature Request
When you negotiate a contract for a data offer in the catalog, it gets the green check-mark. This green check-mark disappears on refresh.
Start with browsing a catalog:
Negotiate a contract. A green checkmark is shown
And remains, when closing the dialog
But after a refresh its gone:
needs https://github.com/sovity/edc-ui/issues/333 needs https://github.com/sovity/edc-ui/issues/403