As a user who is using the Contract Definitions page,
I want to be able to filter search results,
So that I can find the most relevant information quickly and efficiently.
Which Areas Would Be Affected?
edc-ui > Contract Definitions page
How does this tie into our current product?
This request aims at improving the user experience around contract management as an attempt to increase user satisfaction.
to be aligned with @simritbhatia:
filter by dates (for example, contract definitions created [from date] - [to date])
filter by accessPolicyId @AbdullahMuk I don't think we need a filter for this. User can simply use the free text search to filter by ID
filter by validity
Content Type (JSON, DT...)
Access Policy Type (applied OR always true)
Contract Policy Type (applied OR always true)
Acceptance Criteria
When I perform a search, I should see an option to apply filters to my search results.
I should be able to select one or multiple filters from a list of predefined filter options.
After selecting a filter, the page should refresh and display only the search results that match the selected filter(s).
I should have an option to clear all applied filters and reset the search results to their original state.
The system should remember my filter selections during a session, even if I navigate away from the page and return later.
Feature Request
As a user who is using the Contract Definitions page, I want to be able to filter search results, So that I can find the most relevant information quickly and efficiently.
Which Areas Would Be Affected?
How does this tie into our current product?
This request aims at improving the user experience around contract management as an attempt to increase user satisfaction.
to be aligned with @simritbhatia:
Acceptance Criteria
Solution Proposal and Work Breakdown
@simritbhatia and Julian K. to define.