<match slack>
@type slack
webhook_url https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXX/XXX/XXX
channel $.foo.channel
username $["username"]
# arbitrary key=val parameters can be added
TODO: Test whether we can write ruby codes combined with record accessor as #{$.text..gsub(/&/, '&').gsub(/</, '<').gsub(/>/, '>')} (hmm, looks not possible) so that users can write their own escaping function by themselves to support https://github.com/sowawa/fluent-plugin-slack/pull/22.
TODO: Think how to support nested parameters. Create config_section dynamically?
This issue describes a loadmap to v2.
Once release v1 (nothing is changed with v0.xx) to do semantic versioning, then work for v2.
Breaking changes:
Allow adding arbitrary slack parameters
Slack API itself evolves, and will support new parameters. I want to support new parameters without updating slack plugin.
Maybe we can achieve by changing interfaces as:
If we support only Fluentd >= v0.14.20, users can get dynamic values from nested records via record accessor as:
ref. https://www.fluentd.org/blog/fluentd-v0.14.20-has-been-released
TODO: Test whether we can write ruby codes combined with record accessor as
#{$.text..gsub(/&/, '&').gsub(/</, '<').gsub(/>/, '>')}
(hmm, looks not possible) so that users can write their own escaping function by themselves to support https://github.com/sowawa/fluent-plugin-slack/pull/22.TODO: Think how to support nested parameters. Create config_section dynamically?