soyeonm / FILM

Official repository of ICLR 2022 paper FILM: Following Instructions in Language with Modular Methods
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my code in dockers #6

Open hcscctv opened 2 years ago

hcscctv commented 2 years ago

when the coding run normally until Logging to /root/.config/unity3d/Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence/AI2-Thor/Player.log , there is no output, is it normal ?

hcscctv commented 2 years ago


the docker suddenly broke down like this, how can i do to solve the problem

hcscctv commented 2 years ago

it seems OOM make the error, could you tell me the requirement of memory?

soyeonm commented 2 years ago

Hello, the docker image itself is about 10 GB; I am not sure about other requirements.