I would like to write a simple app which setup a few parameters of the camera, capture one image and close the camera. From what I understand:
devices = get_devices(v4ldirs)
mycam = devices[0]
with open(mycam.path, "w") as fd:
camctl = CameraCtrls(mycam.path, fd)
This prints a list of controls and values ... but how do I use this camctl object to set actual controls ? The function setup_ctrls expect a dict, I tried like
camctl.setup_ctrls({'Color / Balance': 'white_balance_automic=0'}, "My message")
but it does not work. Could you please show how to use the interface directly ?
I would like to write a simple app which setup a few parameters of the camera, capture one image and close the camera. From what I understand:
devices = get_devices(v4ldirs) mycam = devices[0] with open(mycam.path, "w") as fd: camctl = CameraCtrls(mycam.path, fd) print(camctl.print_ctrls())
This prints a list of controls and values ... but how do I use this camctl object to set actual controls ? The function setup_ctrls expect a dict, I tried like
camctl.setup_ctrls({'Color / Balance': 'white_balance_automic=0'}, "My message")
but it does not work. Could you please show how to use the interface directly ?