soyuka / dat-daemon

Dat as a daemon
MIT License
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Allow adding a dat.json file inside a directory #8

Closed mitar closed 6 years ago

mitar commented 6 years ago

And from that gather all information about the dat URL and which directory corresponds to it.

soyuka commented 6 years ago

I don't think I get that correctly, what would be the steps?

  1. read a directory
  2. if there is a dat.json, parse it and find the dat to add?

IMO it's out of scope. You may have another tool that just parses a dat.json and instruct the daemon to add stuff via tcp?

mitar commented 6 years ago

No, the steps would be datdaemon add /path/to/dat.json. And then datdaemon would read dat.json, get URL from url field, and use /path/to/ for directory.

Currently I am using this script but I I really think reading a standard dotproject manifest file should be part of this project here.

Then I could do: find . -name dat.json -exec datdaemon add {} ';'

mitar commented 6 years ago

What is resolution here?