soyuka / explorer

Explore and share. Highly-configurable directory listing made with nodejs.
MIT License
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Can't use config.yml with Docker #40

Open bilyboy785 opened 7 years ago

bilyboy785 commented 7 years ago

I mount my config.yml in the docker-compose file but Explorer don't use it ... How can i do ?

    restart: always
    container_name: explorer
    image: explorer
      - /home/user/dockers/explorer/docker/config/config.yml:/opt/explorer
      - /home/user/dockers/explorer/docker/config/users:/users
      - /home/user/dockers/explorer/docker/data/archive:/archive
      - /home/user/dockers/explorer/docker/data/trash:/trash
      - /home/user/dockers/explorer/docker/data/upload:/upload
      - /home/user/data:/data
      - 7745:4859
      - VIRTUAL_HOST=domain.tld
      - LETSENCRYPT_HOST=domain.tld
      - LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=contact@domain.tld
soyuka commented 7 years ago

might be that it doesn't load the config, try to use the debug env variable: DEBUG="explorer:*" you should see from which path it load the configuration.

bilyboy785 commented 7 years ago

Where i can found this info ?

On the admin page, i see a default config file and at the bottom i've got :


When i try to mount my config.yml, docker can't create my contenair.