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Gradle central NoSuchKey error #281

Open davidsusu opened 7 years ago

davidsusu commented 7 years ago

My project setup fails because this url responses a NoSuchKey error:

soywiz commented 7 years ago

If you are using gradle plugin. As a workaround you can grab it fron central. Using this syntax:

I will try to upload latest version to gradle plugins too

davidsusu commented 7 years ago

I have no luck. I tried the build script linked by you, however, after a successful init, when I run any one of the gensrc* tasks I get the following exception every time:

com.jtransc.error.InvalidOperationException: AstProgram. Can't find class 'Benchmark'
    at com.jtransc.ast.AstProgram.get(ast.kt:233)
    at com.jtransc.ast.treeshaking.TreeShakingApi.<init>(TreeShaking.kt:42)
    at com.jtransc.ast.treeshaking.TreeShakingKt.TreeShaking(TreeShaking.kt:17)
    at com.jtransc.JTranscBuild._buildAndRun(build.kt:138)
    at com.jtransc.JTranscBuild.buildWithoutRunning(build.kt:88)
    at com.jtransc.gradle.tasks.JTranscGradleDistTask.task(JTranscGradleDistTask.kt:17)
    at org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaMethod.invoke(
    ... 77 more

I note I am not a gradle expert yet.