soywiz-archive / jtransc

Bytecode to source converting Java & Kotlin code into JavaScript, C++, D, C#, PHP, AS3, Dart and Haxe and run it everywhere. Also use JVM code in your favourite language as a library.
Apache License 2.0
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Trouble with php target #312

Open pizzadox9999 opened 1 year ago

pizzadox9999 commented 1 year ago


thank you for this amazing project.

As sad I have a little bit of trouble with the php target. The thing is the genereted php seems not compatible with PHP 7 or above. But the haxe websites states that every version of haxe greate 4.0.0 supports php 7 and above. The errors I get at runtime are:

maybe someone could give me some insides tipps etc what i can do to get it running

best regards pizzadox9999

PS: i'm trying it with a php 7.4.33 interpreter

soywiz commented 1 year ago

Im afraid this project is not maintained anymore