sozialhelden / wheelmap-classic

:wheelchair: Legacy "classic" (deprecated)
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Wrong toilet tag in changeset #400

Open schultyy opened 8 years ago

schultyy commented 8 years ago

This issue is extracted from #334

Quoting @Svenyo:

I've just experienced another case: Re-editing the wheelchair tag from yes to limited and back to green again caused the toilet tag to switch to unknown. Please compare with On this occasion I've noticed the wrong toilet tag in the same OSM changeset.

bildschirmfoto changeset

holgerd commented 7 years ago

the wrong tag has been used ca 4000 times by 700 users so far:

1000miles commented 7 years ago

@holgerd cc @Svenyo

We, @schultyy and me, put research on this case and here is what we found out:



holgerd commented 7 years ago

This is a suggestion from a OSM community member:

Kriterien wären aus meiner Sicht:

  • Löschen von {wheelchair_toilet|toilets:wheelchair}=unknown
  • Wenn beide vorhanden sind, vergleichen, bei Gleichheit wheelchair_toilet löschen
  • bei Ungleichheit die Anzahl ermitteln, ob man sich die einzeln ansehen kann, ggf. den zeitlich neueren Wert übernehmen, meist wird das toilets:wheelchair sein
  • wenn nur wheelchair_toilet={yes|no} vorhanden, auf toilets:wheelchair ändern
  • verbleibende Werte ausserhalb von {yes|no} manuell prüfen.

schultyy commented 7 years ago

After some research we found out that apparently there are also 312 POIs with the tag wheelchair:toilets present. For example: or

holgerd commented 7 years ago

and how many wheelchair_toilet and/or wheelchair_toilets ?

1000miles commented 7 years ago


In the end we found following interesting results. :) We currently only concentrate on the fix & migration for 1. wheelchair_toilet & 2. toilets:wheelchair.

1. wheelchair_toilet

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pois WHERE tags LIKE "%wheelchair_toilet%";
| COUNT(*) |
|     4802 |
1 row in set (14.24 sec)

2. toilets:wheelchair

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pois WHERE tags LIKE "%toilets:wheelchair%";
| COUNT(*) |
|    55858 |
1 row in set (17.14 sec)

3. wheelchair_toilets

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pois WHERE tags LIKE "%wheelchair_toilets%";
| COUNT(*) |
|      317 |
1 row in set (14.20 sec)

4. wheelchair:toilets

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pois WHERE tags LIKE "%wheelchair:toilets%";
| COUNT(*) |
|      312 |
1 row in set (15.73 sec)

5. wheelchair:toilet

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pois WHERE tags LIKE "%wheelchair:toilet%";
| COUNT(*) |
|      318 |
1 row in set (14.87 sec)
holgerd commented 7 years ago


schultyy commented 7 years ago

@Svenyo Thuy and me prepared a script to clean up wheelchair_toilet in the wheelmap database. This also needs to be done in OpenStreetMap. Should we enhance our script to do this automatically or shall this be done in another way? /cc @holgerd

Svenyo commented 7 years ago

Hi @schultyy, I'd rather not do an automatic clean up in the OSM (without announcing this first). @holgerd, what do you think, what's the best strategy here?

1000miles commented 7 years ago

@Svenyo cc @holgerd @schultyy

Thanks for your responses. We sent an email to the osm mailinglist [Talk-de] to ask for further process regarding the question about deleting wheelchair_toilet tags from osm. While we wait for their reply we will put this ticket on hold and start working on ticket #558.

Svenyo commented 7 years ago

@1000miles Ok, great! I think that's a good approach!

1000miles commented 7 years ago

@Svenyo & @holgerd

We did another query in the database to provide infos about which regions still have the tag wheelchair_toilet, ordered by descending amount. This is just FYI. :)

Current Stats (Date: 2017-02-08)

| regions_count | name                   |
|           389 | Nordrhein Westfalen    |
|           387 | Bayern                 |
|           236 | Zu?rich                |
|           212 | Berlin                 |
|           211 | Schleswig Holstein     |
|           209 | Italy                  |
|           192 | Baden Wu?rttemberg     |
|           120 | Hessen                 |
|           116 | Niedersachsen          |
|           105 | Tokyo                  |
|           103 | Rheinland Pfalz        |
|            90 | Sachsen                |
|            82 | Brandenburg            |
|            80 | Hamburg                |
|            75 | Kreis Ludwigsburg      |
|            71 | M�nster                |
|            67 | Bochum                 |
|            66 | Klagenfurt             |
|            59 | Niedero?sterreich      |
|            57 | Dortmund               |
|            56 | Hungary                |
|            53 | Thu?ringen             |
|            51 | Muenchen               |
|            50 | Bonn                   |
|            46 | Greater London         |
|            46 | Mo?nchengladbach       |
|            45 | Australia              |
|            44 | Valencia               |
|            40 | Baden Wuerttemberg     |
|            39 | Asia                   |
|            39 | Linz                   |
|            38 | Aarhus                 |
|            36 | Bulgaria               |
|            34 | New York City          |
|            33 | France                 |
|            31 | Japan                  |
|            31 | Wu?rzburg              |
|            30 | Nuernberg              |
|            29 | Duesseldorf            |
|            29 | Sachsen Anhalt         |
|            29 | Hannover               |
|            29 | North America          |
|            28 | Bielefeld              |
|            26 | Mecklenburg Vorpommern |
|            26 | Karlsruhe              |
|            25 | Jena                   |
|            25 | Koeln                  |
|            24 | Essen                  |
|            24 | Moenchengladbach       |
|            22 | Norway                 |
|            22 | Villach                |
|            22 | Switzerland            |
|            20 | Paris                  |
|            20 | Stuttgart              |
|            20 | Leipzig                |
|            20 | Frankfurt              |
|            20 | Duisburg               |
|            19 | Wiesbaden              |
|            18 | Mailand                |
|            18 | Bottrop                |
|            17 | Thueringen             |
|            17 | Heidelberg             |
|            17 | Muenster               |
|            16 | Africa                 |
|            15 | Wuppertal              |
|            15 | Halle                  |
|            14 | Kopenhagen             |
|            14 | Innsbruck              |
|            14 | Fulda                  |
|            13 | Oberhausen             |
|            13 | Germany                |
|            13 | Kreis Recklinghausen   |
|            13 | Ludwigsburg            |
|            13 | Bangalore              |
|            13 | Rostock                |
|            12 | Mu?lheim an der Ruhr   |
|            11 | Bodenseekreis          |
|            11 | Magdeburg              |
|            11 | Erfurt                 |
|            11 | Wetzlar                |
|            11 | Denmark                |
|            11 | Freiburg Breisgau      |
|            11 | Spain                  |
|            10 | Oldenburg              |
|            10 | Zuerich                |
|             9 | Kreis Konstanz         |
|             8 | Pforzheim              |
|             8 | Lu?beck                |
|             8 | Augsburg               |
|             8 | Krefeld                |
|             8 | East of London         |
|             8 | Wien                   |
|             8 | Aachen                 |
|             8 | Gelsenkirchen          |
|             8 | Dresden                |
|             7 | Poland                 |
|             7 | West Yorkshire         |
|             7 | Wolfsburg              |
|             7 | Madrid                 |
|             7 | Sankt Gallen           |
|             6 | Hamm                   |
|             6 | Mannheim               |
|             6 | Tirol                  |
|             6 | Wuerzburg              |
|             5 | Braunschweig           |
|             5 | Greece                 |
|             5 | Obero?sterreich        |
|             5 | Europe                 |
|             4 | amsterdam              |
|             4 | Northern Ireland       |
|             4 | Wels                   |
|             4 | Saarbruecken           |
|             4 | Bremen                 |
|             4 | Steiermark             |
|             3 | Turkey                 |
|             3 | Konstanz               |
|             3 | Herne                  |
|             3 | Bologna                |
|             3 | Czech Republic         |
|             3 | Kreis Boeblingen       |
|             3 | Serbia                 |
|             3 | Niederoesterreich      |
|             3 | Graz                   |
|             3 | Kassel                 |
|             3 | Oberoesterreich        |
|             3 | Kreis Bo?blingen       |
|             3 | Rom                    |
|             2 | Ingolstadt             |
|             2 | Curacao                |
|             2 | Brazil                 |
|             2 | Luzern                 |
|             2 | Cottbus                |
|             2 | Ukraine                |
|             2 | Luebeck                |
|             2 | Finland                |
|             2 | Leverkusen             |
|             2 | Go?ttingen             |
|             2 | Potsdam                |
|             2 | Washington             |
|             2 | Ka?rnten               |
|             2 | Regensburg             |
|             2 | Recklinghausen         |
|             2 | Bern                   |
|             1 | Darmstadt              |
|             1 | Voralberg              |
|             1 | Netherlands            |
|             1 | Solingen               |
|             1 | Lithuania              |
|             1 | Barcelona              |
|             1 | Kreis Dueren           |
|             1 | Peru                   |
|             1 | Giessen                |
|             1 | Muelheim an der Ruhr   |
|             1 | Marseille              |
|             1 | Ludwigshafen am Rhein  |
|             1 | Croatia                |
|             1 | Friedrichshafen        |
|             1 | Slovakia               |
|             1 | Hagen                  |
|             1 | Ulm                    |
|             1 | Cork                   |
|             1 | Osnabru?ck             |
|             1 | Neuss                  |
|             1 | Remscheid              |
|             1 | Schwarzwald Baar Kreis |
|             1 | Saarbru?cken           |
|             1 | Heidenheim             |
|             1 | Kreis Steinfurt        |
|             1 | Kaernten               |
|             1 | Basel                  |
|             1 | West Midlands          |
|             1 | Villingen Schwenningen |
|             1 | Luxemburg              |
|             1 | Bukarest               |
|             1 | Zwickau                |
|             1 | Mainz                  |
176 rows in set (15.04 sec)
1000miles commented 7 years ago

Just for a better overview the current status of this ticket is:

holgerd commented 7 years ago

@schultyy please post it to talk-de

schultyy commented 7 years ago

@holgerd done.

polarbearing commented 7 years ago

Thanks for bringing that to talk-de. There seems to form a recommendation to do a mechanical edit, which should be discussed over a few days.

1000miles commented 7 years ago

Thanks for letting us know in advance, @polarbearing! 👍