Closed 1000miles closed 7 years ago
@opyh :)
Deployed to staging with release 20170612134158 today.
According to the current logs the PR #628 fixed this.
I, [2017-06-12T15:41:21.704078 #28985] INFO -- : executing ["/var/apps/wheelmap/staging/shared/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/bin/unicorn", "-c", "/var/apps/wheelmap/staging/current/config/unicorn.rb", "-E", "staging", "-D", {16=>#<Kgio::UNIXServer:/var/apps/wheelmap/staging/shared/unicorn.sock>}] (in /var/apps/wheelmap/staging/releases/20170612133849)
I, [2017-06-12T15:41:22.072433 #28985] INFO -- : inherited addr=/var/apps/wheelmap/staging/shared/unicorn.sock fd=16
I, [2017-06-12T15:41:22.072599 #28985] INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list
I, [2017-06-12T15:41:26.278460 #28985] INFO -- : master process ready
I, [2017-06-12T15:41:26.302392 #29010] INFO -- : worker=0 ready
I, [2017-06-12T15:41:26.676160 #32079] INFO -- : reaped #<Process::Status: pid 32084 exit 0> worker=0
I, [2017-06-12T15:41:26.676282 #32079] INFO -- : master complete
Since friday, 2017-06-09, we can not deploy to staging. According to this line it tries to fetch the Gemfile from an older release multiple times:
One of the suggested solutions could be to set a before_exec hook for the
as mentioned here:Full error output: