Closed Svenyo closed 7 years ago
Thanks for the file, @Svenyo . 👍
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 5.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 5.
CREATED: Photos: 0
CREATED: Provided Pois: 0
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 7649, Photos: 35779.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 7649, Photos: 35779.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 4837.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 6164.
CREATED: Photos: 4586
CREATED: Provided Pois: 2013
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 7649, Photos: 35779.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 67.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 90.
CREATED: Photos: 0
CREATED: Provided Pois: 0
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 256.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 279.
CREATED: Photos: 0
CREATED: Provided Pois: 0
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 63.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 87.
CREATED: Photos: 0
CREATED: Provided Pois: 0
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 157.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 172.
CREATED: Photos: 0
CREATED: Provided Pois: 0
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 1753.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 1834.
CREATED: Photos: 4
CREATED: Provided Pois: 2
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9662, Photos: 40365.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9664, Photos: 40369.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 174.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 187.
CREATED: Photos: 0
CREATED: Provided Pois: 0
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9664, Photos: 40369.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9664, Photos: 40369.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 876.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 1109.
CREATED: Photos: 14
CREATED: Provided Pois: 6
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9664, Photos: 40369.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 9670, Photos: 40383.
# 2017-09-11
>> 40.383 existing photos (in general)
>> 14.565 existing photos (uploaded by streetspotr)
=> 14.537 imported photos (uploaded by streetspotr) from 2017-09-07 to 2017-09-11
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 0.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 0.
CREATED: Photos: 0
CREATED: Provided Pois: 0
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 29884, Photos: 108478.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 29884, Photos: 108478.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 348.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 427.
CREATED: Photos: 6115
CREATED: Provided Pois: 2328
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 29884, Photos: 108478.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32212, Photos: 114603.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 5.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 5.
CREATED: Photos: 4
CREATED: Provided Pois: 2
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32212, Photos: 114603.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32214, Photos: 114607.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 1.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 1.
CREATED: Photos: 6
CREATED: Provided Pois: 3
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32214, Photos: 114607.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32217, Photos: 114613.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 0.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 0.
CREATED: Photos: 5
CREATED: Provided Pois: 2
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32217, Photos: 114613.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32219, Photos: 114618.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 1.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 1.
CREATED: Photos: 201
CREATED: Provided Pois: 96
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32219, Photos: 114618.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32325, Photos: 114819.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 16.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 17.
CREATED: Photos: 374
CREATED: Provided Pois: 184
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32315, Photos: 114819.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32499, Photos: 115193.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 9.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 12.
CREATED: Photos: 158
CREATED: Provided Pois: 79
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32499, Photos: 115193.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32578, Photos: 115351.
# 2017-09-11
POIS not found: 33.
POIS and OSM_ID nil: 46.
CREATED: Photos: 626
CREATED: Provided Pois: 278
EXISTING BEFORE IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32578, Photos: 115351.
EXISTING AFTER IMPORT: ProvidedPois: 32856, Photos: 115977.
# 2017-09-11
>> 115.977 existing photos (in general)
>> 44.886 existing photos (uploaded by streetspotr)
=> 7.494 imported photos (uploaded by streetspotr) on # 2017-09-11
@Svenyo cc @holgerd @anngreenberg
Staging import is done. We imported 9.933 photos on staging with BE, DE, DK, ES, FR, IR, IT, NL and UK today. We noticed that there were a lot of osm_id that did not exist anymore, please find the stats above for each country.
On monday, 2017-09-11, we will import the same csv on production.
@Svenyo cc @holgerd @anngreenberg
Check and import on production is done, please find the updated stats above . According to our import stats only 5 new photos have been imported from the last recent Streetspotr sept 2017 batch which implies most of them have already been imported or the poi could not be found anymore.
# 2017-09-11
| id | image_processing | poi_id | created_at | image_width | image_height | source_url |
| 124107 | 0 | 2956247446 | 2017-09-11 09:12:54 | 3264 | 2448 | |
| 124108 | 0 | 2956247446 | 2017-09-11 09:12:54 | 2448 | 3264 | |
| 124109 | 0 | 2956247446 | 2017-09-11 09:12:55 | 2448 | 3264 | |
| 124110 | 0 | 3690038250 | 2017-09-11 09:24:31 | 1728 | 2880 | |
| 124111 | 0 | 3690038250 | 2017-09-11 09:24:32 | 2880 | 1728 | |
5 rows in set, 1 warning (0.06 sec)
Hi, are you sure you imported the right set of CSV files? The new files I attached above all had the naming COUNTRYCODE_Final.csv and I wonder why the csv's you've listed are called COUNTRYCODE_2016.csv.
@Svenyo cc @holgerd @anngreenberg
Oh, you are right. I am sorry. I had another Streetspotr folder in the same directory. Will fix this. Thanks for the hint.
Ok, great! Thanks!
@Svenyo cc @holgerd @anngreenberg
7494 photos have been imported on production today of which 4125 photos still have to go through the carrierwave image processing delayed_job until all photo versions are live. As soon as all of them are finished, we will let you know here.
@Svenyo cc @holgerd @anngreenberg
The image processing is done. Please log into the wheelmap admin dashboard if you want to review the images.
# mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photos WHERE user_id = xxxx AND image_processing = 1 AND created_at LIKE "2017-09-11%" ;
| COUNT(*) |
| 0 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)
Dear @1000miles, thanks, looks fine to me. :-)
Thank you for checking, @Svenyo. Import done, therefore closing.
So, here are the final CSVs covering POIs and categories from the last part of the campaign. Can you import the photos according to the workflow and rake task used in ?