sozu-proxy / sozu

Sōzu HTTP reverse proxy, configurable at runtime, fast and safe, built in Rust. It is awesome!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.92k stars 188 forks source link

Ipv6 help #1107

Closed AlbanMinassian closed 1 month ago

AlbanMinassian commented 1 month ago

Hello / Bonjour

I managed to get sozu working on an ipv4 machine. Cool. I need help configuring on an ipv6 machine, and this is the first time I've handled ipv6 (Not cool)

I have a machine

I have a nginx application that works fine on port 5999

my sozu file is as follows

command_socket = "/sozu/sock
log_level = "info
log_target = "stdout"
command_buffer_size = 16384
worker_count = 2
handle_process_affinity = false
max_connections = 500
max_buffers = 500
buffer_size = 16384
activate_listeners = true

protocol = "http"
address = "[::1]:80"
sticky_name = "SOZUBALANCEID"


protocol = "http"
load_balancing = "ROUND_ROBIN"
frontends = [
  { position = "POST", address = "[::1]:80", hostname = "[2a01:4f8:1c1e:9dcf::1]", path = "/" },
backends = [
    { address = "", backend_id = "backend_id_1_of_key_cluster_nginx_http" }

and the command /sozu/bin/sozu shutdown -c /sozu/config.toml && /sozu/bin/sozu start -c /sozu/config.toml returns

could not create channel to Sōzu. Are you sure the proxy is up?: Connection error: Some(Os { code: 111, kind: ConnectionRefused, message: "Connection refused" })
2024-06-02T10:22:08.274989Z 1717323728274989093 3644 INFO  MAIN Starting up
2024-06-02T10:22:08.275010Z 1717323728275010113 3644 INFO  MAIN Updating process limits
2024-06-02T10:22:08.275051Z 1717323728275051981 3644 INFO  MAIN A socket is already present. Deleting...
2024-06-02T10:22:08.275142Z 1717323728275142380 3644 INFO  MAIN Creating command hub
2024-06-02T10:22:08.275172Z 1717323728275172987 3644 INFO  MAIN Launching workers
writing 0 in the temp file
2024-06-02T10:22:08.276419Z 1717323728276419649 3644 INFO  MAIN launching worker 0
2024-06-02T10:22:08.276729Z 1717323728276729339 3644 INFO  MAIN launching worker 0 with pid 3645
2024-06-02T10:22:08.276798Z 1717323728276798257 3644 INFO  MAIN sending listeners to new worker: Listeners { http: [], tls: [], tcp: [] }
2024-06-02T10:22:08.276842Z 1717323728276842050 3644 INFO  MAIN sent listeners from main: Ok(())
writing 0 in the temp file
2024-06-02T10:22:08.278096Z 1717323728278096957 3644 INFO  MAIN launching worker 1
2024-06-02T10:22:08.278437Z 1717323728278437383 3644 INFO  MAIN launching worker 1 with pid 3646
2024-06-02T10:22:08.278495Z 1717323728278495833 3644 INFO  MAIN sending listeners to new worker: Listeners { http: [], tls: [], tcp: [] }
2024-06-02T10:22:08.278528Z 1717323728278528595 3644 INFO  MAIN sent listeners from main: Ok(())
2024-06-02T10:22:08.278566Z 1717323728278566485 3644 INFO  MAIN Load static configuration
2024-06-02T10:22:08.278588Z 1717323728278588145 3644 INFO  MAIN reloading static configuration
2024-06-02T10:22:08.278599Z 1717323728278599537 3644 INFO  MAIN Reloading static configuration at path /sozu/config.toml
2024-06-02T10:22:08.279396Z 1717323728279396538 3645 INFO  WRK-00   worker 0 starting...
2024-06-02T10:22:08.279580Z 1717323728279580072 3645 INFO  WRK-00   will try to receive listeners
2024-06-02T10:22:08.279612Z 1717323728279612473 3644 ERROR MAIN Got a response for an unknown task: INITIAL-STATUS-0-0
2024-06-02T10:22:08.279690Z 1717323728279690187 3645 INFO  WRK-00   received listeners: Listeners { http: [], tls: [], tcp: [] }
2024-06-02T10:22:08.279791Z 1717323728279791677 3645 INFO  WRK-00   starting event loop
2024-06-02T10:22:08.283409Z 1717323728283409966 3646 INFO  WRK-01   worker 1 starting...
2024-06-02T10:22:08.283645Z 1717323728283645586 3646 INFO  WRK-01   will try to receive listeners
2024-06-02T10:22:08.283676Z 1717323728283676996 3644 ERROR MAIN Got a response for an unknown task: INITIAL-STATUS-1-0
2024-06-02T10:22:08.283678Z 1717323728283678648 3646 INFO  WRK-01   received listeners: Listeners { http: [], tls: [], tcp: [] }
2024-06-02T10:22:08.283802Z 1717323728283802781 3646 INFO  WRK-01   starting event loop
2024-06-02T10:22:08.284208Z 1717323728284208239 3644 INFO  MAIN Successfully loaded the config: 10 ok, 0 errors

curl -g -6 'http://[2a01:4f8:1c1e:9dcf::1]:80' return curl: (7) Failed to connect to 2a01:4f8:1c1e:9dcf::1 port 80 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server

I can't find an example in the source code with ipv6.

How can I configure sozu with ipv6 only?

Thanks for your help

FlorentinDUBOIS commented 1 month ago

Hello @AlbanMinassian, From what I see without testing you could use Sōzu with this minor modifications:

command_socket = "/sozu/sock
log_level = "info
log_target = "stdout"
command_buffer_size = 16384
worker_count = 2
handle_process_affinity = false
max_connections = 500
max_buffers = 500
buffer_size = 16384
activate_listeners = true

protocol = "http"
address = "[::1]:80"
sticky_name = "SOZUBALANCEID"


protocol = "http"
load_balancing = "ROUND_ROBIN"
frontends = [
  { position = "TREE", address = "[::1]:80", hostname = "domain_name_that_resolve_the_ipv6", path = "/" },

backends = [
    { address = "", backend_id = "backend_id_1_of_key_cluster_nginx_http" }
Wonshtrum commented 1 month ago

I am unable to reproduce the problem, can you confirm that Sozu is listening on the right port? So if you ssh on the machine and run curl -g -6 'http://[::1]:80' do yo get an automatic 404 answer from Sozu?

AlbanMinassian commented 1 month ago

thanks, I'll give it a try