sp-hash / Bitcrack

Faster cuda implementation of bitcrack
10 stars 3 forks source link

great work! running on GTX 1050 ti #3

Open Jolly-Joker-71 opened 3 years ago

Jolly-Joker-71 commented 3 years ago

hey! Nice one... your mod is super running on GTX 1050 ti ( ca. 150 MKeys/s ).. I had to insert -p 4096, otherwise error - out of memory..

Bitcrack sp-mod #5 (https://github.com/sp-hash)

[2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Compression: compressed [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Starting at: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000 00000000000 [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Ending at: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFF FFFFFFFFFFF [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Counting by: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000001 [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Generating random starting points [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Initializing GeForce GTX 1050 Ti [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Generating 25,165,824 starting points (960.0MB) [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Starting point sample: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000973897B2A7A63805 (64 bit range) [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Starting point sample: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000E88F8A4D43304DE7 (64 bit range) [2021-03-26.14:22:03] [Info] Starting point sample: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000CF7CC922DBA67F07 (64 bit range) [2021-03-26.14:22:20] [Info] 10.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:29] [Info] 20.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:33] [Info] 30.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:33] [Info] 40.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:34] [Info] 50.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:34] [Info] 60.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:35] [Info] 70.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:35] [Info] 80.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:36] [Info] 90.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:36] [Info] 100.0% [2021-03-26.14:22:36] [Info] Done GeForce GTX 1050 2763 / 4096MB | 1 target 151.44 MKey/s (111,560,097,792 total) [00:12:20]