sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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RDP connect: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 1.31% instead of the expected 3.12%) #11

Closed verybadsoldier closed 3 years ago

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

When running I often use RDP to connect to the machine to check the status of the corecycler. In the moment I connect via RDP often the cycler stops with this error:

The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 1.31% instead of the expected 3.12%)

This error seems to be directly triggered by connecting via RDP. I suspect that this is not really a sign of instability but maybe in the moment the RDP connection is established the prime95-process is suspend for some seconds when the RDP-Windows logon is performed?

So if this is the case then maybe the CPU check could be made a bit less sensitive? I would hope that after some more seconds the prime95 power consumption would maybe get back to normal.

Full logfile attached.


sp00n commented 3 years ago

Ugh, this is actually a bug. It's checking the CPU usage again after 2 seconds, and according to your log the usage has indeed normalized again, but the script isn't using this new value for the check. :see_no_evil: I've just pushed an update to the v8 branch.

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

Thanks alot, could not reproduce it so far anymore with current v8.