sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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Doesn't move on after last CPU usage check #15

Closed Limess closed 3 years ago

Limess commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the great tool!

I'm running into an issue where the process gets stuck, prime95 continues, but no rotation happens (at least in stdout/the logs).

Everything is using the default config on a 5800x

Here's the last few logs (from the log file):

                 + Suspending the stress test process
                 + Suspended: True
                 + Resuming the stress test process
                 + Resumed: True
                 + 22:57:28 - ...checking CPU usage: 6.3%
                 +            ...current CPU frequency: ~4828 MHz (127.01%)
                 + Suspending the stress test process
                 + Suspended: True
                 + Resuming the stress test process
                 + Resumed: True
                 + One last CPU usage check before finishing this core
                 + 22:57:30 - ...checking CPU usage: 6.25%

and here's the window output:

Starting the CoreCycler...
-------------- CoreCycler v0.8.0.1 started at 2021-04-07 22:51:26 --------------
Verbose mode is ENABLED: .. Writing to log file
Stress test program: ...... PRIME95
Selected test mode: ....... SSE
Logical/Physical cores: ... 16 logical / 8 physical cores
Hyperthreading / SMT is: .. ON
Selected number of threads: 1
Runtime per core: ......... 6 minutes
Suspend periodically: ..... ENABLED
Restart for each core: .... OFF
Test order of cores: ...... DEFAULT (RANDOM)
Number of iterations: ..... 10000
Selected FFT size: ........ Huge (8960K - 32768K)
The log files for this run are stored in:
C:\Users\Charlie Briggs\Desktop\Tweaking\corecycler-master\logs\
 - CoreCycler:   CoreCycler_2021-04-07_22-51-22_PRIME95_SSE.log
 - Prime95:      Prime95_2021-04-07_22-51-22_SSE_Huge_FFT_8960K-32768K.txt

22:51:28 - Iteration 1
22:51:28 - Set to Core 3 (CPU 6)
           Running for 6 minutes...

It seems that interacting with the cmd window (keystrokes or clicking) results in the program continuing however whenever it does so it seems to cause prime95 failures - I feel this is somehow attributable to the switch as until interacted with prime95 is happy, but as when the process hangs, clicking/making a keyup it seems to consistently cause failure. Here are the logs after continuing:

                 + One last CPU usage check before finishing this core
                 + 22:57:30 - ...checking CPU usage: 6.25%
22:57:31 - Completed the test on Core 3 (CPU 6)
                 + Still available cores: 7, 2, 6, 5, 4, 1, 0
                 + The selected core to test: 7
23:04:05 - Set to Core 7 (CPU 14)
                 + Setting the affinity to 16384
                 + Successfully set the affinity to 16384
           Running for 6 minutes...
                 + 23:04:15
                 + Found an error in the last 5 lines of the results.txt!
                 + This error:
                 + LineNumber  Line
                 + ----------  ----
                 +         40  FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
                 + There has been an error with the stress test program!
ERROR: 23:04:15
ERROR: Prime95 seems to have stopped with an error!
ERROR: At Core 7 (CPU 14)
ERROR MESSAGE: FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
                 + The stress test program is Prime95, trying to look for an error message in the results.txt
ERROR: The last *passed* FFT size before the error was: 32000K
ERROR: Unfortunately FFT size fail detection only works for Smallest, Small or Large FFT sizes.
                 + The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
                 + The selected max FFT size:         32768
                 + The limit for the numerical order: 8192
                 + The last 5 entries in the results.txt:
                 + [Wed Apr  7 23:03:28 2021], Self-test 30720K passed!, Self-test 32000K passed!, FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4, Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.

                 + There has been some error in Test-ProcessUsage, checking (#1)
                 + Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
                 + Trying to close the stress test program
                 + Trying to close Prime95
                 + Trying to gracefully close Prime95
                 + Could not gracefully close Prime95, killing the process
                 + restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
23:04:15 - Trying to restart Prime95
                 + Starting the stress test program
                 + Starting Prime95
                 + Trying to get the stress test program window handler
                 + Looking for these window names:
                 + ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
                 + 23:04:16 - Window found
sp00n commented 3 years ago

I'm running into an issue where the process gets stuck, prime95 continues, but no rotation happens (at least in stdout/the logs). It seems that interacting with the cmd window (keystrokes or clicking) results in the program continuing however it detects prime95 as failed (not the case, it's still happily running).

Yes, this is a known problem with cmd/PowerShell terminals. As soon as you select a text inside the terminal window, the processing stops until you press a key to remove the selection again. As little as clicking inside the window will select the text under your cursor and will cause the program (any console program really) to pause. So don't click inside the window. :wink: The title of the window will also change, indicating that you're in "Select" mode.

See e.g. here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3204423/long-running-powershell-script-freezes https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44698285/can-i-disable-select-mode-in-a-powershell-script

It should not however cause any problems with Prime95 itself. And at least the log you posted shows an error that was found in the results.txt, generated by Prime95 itself.

Limess commented 3 years ago

Ah ok, I'm used to using linux/mac os shells without this issue, thanks for the quick response! I'll close this as it may have just been a genuine prime95 error in that case - I'll reopen if it occurs again and is suspicious.