sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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CoreCycler won't run if a folder in its path has a space in the name #20

Closed Kelvets closed 3 years ago

Kelvets commented 3 years ago


After I removed the "e desempenho" part from the folder, CoreCycler started working.

sp00n commented 3 years ago

Confirmed, I've introduced this bug just recently. There's also an easy fix for this. Open Run CoreCycler.bat and edit the line start "CoreCycler" cmd.exe /k powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %~dp0script-corecycler.ps1 to start "CoreCycler" cmd.exe /k powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%~dp0script-corecycler.ps1"

I.e. put quotation marks around the part after -File. This should make it work again in directories that include spaces.