sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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FATAL ERROR: Internal performance counter API call failed. Error: 800007d6 #22

Open joncrocks opened 2 years ago

joncrocks commented 2 years ago

Was running CoreCycler with Y-Cruncher with everything else set to default (6 min cycles etc.).

After running it for a good long while (11:48->18:40) it spat out the below and didn't seem to proceed any further. The Y-Cruncher window looked like it had stalled (no error message or anything)

                 + 18:40:13 - checking CPU usage: 3.11%
                 +            ...current CPU frequency: ~4561 MHz (134.1%)
                 + Suspending the stress test process
                 + Suspended: True
                 + Resuming the stress test process
                 + Resumed: True
                 + There has been some error in Test-ProcessUsage, checking (#1)
Internal performance counter API call failed. Error: 800007d6.
At C:\Tools\corecycler-master\script-corecycler.ps1:3242 char:49
+ ... h]::Round(((Get-Counter $processCounterPathTime -ErrorAction Ignore). ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidResult: (:) [Get-Counter], Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CounterApiError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCounterCommand

It wasn't clear to me if this was some kind of core error, or something else, i.e. bug etc. So thought I would raise it here.

joncrocks commented 2 years ago

If it's any additional help/info, this is a 5950X, and the failure happened in Iteration 5.

sp00n commented 2 years ago

Huh. The error message Internal performance counter API call failed. is nothing generated by CoreCycler itself, apparently there was an error while querying the performance counter for checking the CPU usage. If such an error occurs, the script stops and puts out the error message it itself received.

Maybe the performance counters have been corrupted and couldn't be read because of this, this seems to happen sometimes. Although I haven't seen that specific error so far. In the readme.txt there's an instruction on how to reset and re-enable the performance counters, maybe it helps in your case as well.

Did CoreCycler run though fine before or was this your first full iteration?

joncrocks commented 2 years ago

Yes, as above, it had been running fine for a good while and this failure was in iteration 5.

Running CoreCycler subsequently works fine.