sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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FATAL ERROR: Could not set the affinity to Core 8 (CPU 16)! #27

Closed spix18 closed 2 years ago

spix18 commented 2 years ago

So i have this error no matter what i change with the config i have ryzen 7-5800x with windows 11 PRO build 22000.675



any help is appreciated

sp00n commented 2 years ago

The core count starts with 0, in accordance to the BIOS settings and Windows Task Manager enumeration (only Ryzen Master starts the core count with 1, for whatever reason), hence there is no core 8 in an 5800x that you have assigned in your core order. Reduce all the core values by one in your config.ini, currently you're skipping core 0 entirely. (Also see the text right above the coreTestOrder setting)

spix18 commented 2 years ago

The core count starts with 0, in accordance to the BIOS settings and Windows Task Manager enumeration (only Ryzen Master starts the core count with 1, for whatever reason), hence there is no core 8 in an 5800x that you have assigned in your core order. Reduce all the core values by one in your config.ini, currently you're skipping core 0 entirely. (Also see the text right above the coreTestOrder setting)

thank you so much , i never saw this mistake but wierd i took this order of cores from hwinfo summary image

i will try again and report back

sp00n commented 2 years ago

Interesting, the CPPC display also starts with a 1, while all other entries in HWInfo start with a 0.

spix18 commented 2 years ago

here is a full screenshot of hwinfo summary


kinda wierd hwinfo is doing this for my machine

sp00n commented 2 years ago

The CPPC value apparently starts with a 1, but if you go to the Sensors tab, the individual cores will start with a 0 again.