sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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Suggestion: mark the Error strings in v. with color (like it was in v. #34

Closed Victor767 closed 1 year ago

Victor767 commented 1 year ago

After switching from v. to v. I've noticed that while testing the cores when the Error appears the line with error is not color marked like it was in v. (it was colored cyan before). So coloring the lines with errors with any color other than default grey will be much appreciated.

sp00n commented 1 year ago

Do you have a screenshot? It's showing in Magenta for me:


Victor767 commented 1 year ago

I'm so sorry! For some reason the first time I started corecycler it really showed 3 errors for 3 cores just as 1 error line instead of 5 rows for each error! And each such row was in grey. I fixed curve optimizer settings in BIOS and after that I haven't had any errors to reproduce the issue. So I decreased the voltage a lot just now and tried to launch corecycler again but now it showed the error as usual in 5 rows and with color. I don't know what happened, I use corecycler during a months and never had such weirdness before.

Just a guess - I first launch corecycler after quitting corecycler so may be there are some variables incompatibility - some of them are stored in memory which is gone after rebooting the system? P.S. I unpacked corecycler and in different folders.


Anyway, it works flawlessly now so thank you for your efforts! I use your tool to fine tune my PC after each upgrade and also to fine tunes PC which I assemble for my friends. It's the best tool for AMD CPUs. So keep up the good job!

sp00n commented 1 year ago

Do you still have the log file when this happened? There may still be a bug somewhere. There shouldn't be any problems when starting different version of CoreCycler, if you're using the batch file.

Victor767 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I do have a log file. Please find it attached.

I always run CoreCycler using your batch file. Just making a shortcut of it on my desktop.


Hope this will help.

sp00n commented 1 year ago

I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the log file, the error message were the same as in your screenshot. If it happens again try to make a screenshot and let me know.

Victor767 commented 1 year ago

Of course, I'll make a screenshot than. But I hope I'll not see the error again :)

All the best to you! Thanks again for your script. Can't imagine how would I catch errors without it - I always had problems with this...