sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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Corecycler stuck at time without error message #40

Closed haze1986 closed 1 year ago

haze1986 commented 1 year ago

Hi Devs,

Thanks for the development. Would just like to confirm, I have encountered 2x the similar issue, that core cycler will get stuck at a certain time and not proceed without declaring that the test failed.

1) Using P95, at iteration 12, core 4, Prime 95 in the background still running with green box, can tell the stuck core is still running 100% 2) Using Ycrucher, at iteration 3, core 6, ycruncher stopped running, confirmed that system has low load.

Both above incidents are using the same settings. I just thought to confirm if it's instabilities or normal behavior due to other reasons.

sp00n commented 1 year ago

I suspect this to be this feature of terminal windows in Windows: https://github.com/sp00n/corecycler/issues/15#issuecomment-815299483