sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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Tested with corecycler and it still crashed #54

Closed vfib closed 10 months ago

vfib commented 10 months ago

Hello together, First of all, thanks for that great work creating this app. I used corecycler to test my CO values on my 5950x. Let it run for some days with Prime95 and ycrusher with C17 enabled and thought it would be fine. But then my pc crashed while viewing youtube videos. I checked the freqs with HWInfo while testing and saw that under Prime95 my cores r running with 4,8 ghz. Then I checked the freqs after some time without testing, just browsing the internet, and saw max freqs of 5.025 Mhz. I guess that the lighter load of browsing or doing basic stuff triggered those freq spikes and caused the crash then. Ive seen this tool BoostTester on github which causes my cpu to run at 5Ghz. Would it make sense to add another test doing stuff like said BoostTester to CoreCycler that only create very light load?

Hoping I'm not talking nonsense Best regards

sp00n commented 10 months ago

BoostTester is already included in the /tools directory, however it doesn't include any error checking, so as a stress test program it's not very useful. Either it runs or it crashes, possibly the whole computer. It might be useful for scenarios such as yours though, where very light load causes crashs.

I've tried to simulate load changes with the suspendPeriodically functionality, and light(ish) load with SSE for Prime95 and x86 for y-Cruncher, and most of the time letting these run long enough will find all instabilities. It's not perfect though.

Also see #4, where I was looking for any additional stress test programs that I could use.

vfib commented 10 months ago

Hello, thanks for your answer. This might be closed then.