sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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Y-Cruncher Affinity Bug #57

Closed LucidLuxxx closed 9 months ago

LucidLuxxx commented 9 months ago

Y-Cruncher test are supposed to alternately cycle cores as follows (0,8,1,9,2,10,3,11,4,12,5,13,6,14,7,15). When the test starts, the corecycler shell will say it's assigning to core 0. The ycruncher shell says it's assigning memory to Core 2 (actually core 1, CPU 2 & 3). When I check CPU utilization, the entire first set of tests look like they're being run on Core 1 instead of Core 0 (judging by CPU utilization graph). After the first set of tests finish and corecycler shell says it's beginning the test on Core 8, ycruncher starts a new iteration and it still says memory was assigned to Core 2 at the top (Core 1, CPU 2 & 3). The CPU utilization graphs then show activity on Core 8 as it should, but that means Core 0 was skipped and the first test was actually ran on Core 1, CPU 2 & 3. The rest of the test runs normal. It's only the first ycruncher iteration that's always ran on Core 1. I tried ignoring cores 0-7 in the corecycler config file. Corecycler shows test running on Core 8 (CPU 16 & 17). Ycruncher still assigns the memory to CPU 2 & 3, and CPU utilization shows no activity on Core 8 but full activity on Core 1. Then corecycler switches to core 9 and CPU utilization is then in parallel with corecycler, showing the activity is actually on core 9. But that means Core 8 was skipped and was ran on Core 1 instead.

sp00n commented 9 months ago

y-Cruncher will always say it's assigning to logical core 2 (or 2 & 3 for two threads), it's how the program is initially set up. The actual affinity setup then happens in CoreCycler right after y-Cruncher has started.

And for me it correctly assigns to core 0 when I set it as the first core (or use Alternate for the coreTestOrder). Can you attach the config and the log file?

LucidLuxxx commented 9 months ago

Had to send config file as a txt file. I altered the .ps1 and config file just to add a few custom FFT ranges for "quick tests" when using prime95 but that's it. I took two screenshots as well. One shows CPU usage at the very beginning of Core 0's test and it shows no activity on Core 0 but instead shows Core 1 as the active core. The other screenshot is when it switches to core 8 and then accurately runs affinity on core 8. I ran a short test just to show the problem. Basically to show Core 0 not getting tested, while Core 1 gets tested twice.

config.txt CoreCycler_2023-09-09_19-26-01_YCRUNCHER_20-ZN3 ~ YUZUKI.log yCruncher_2023-09-09_19-26-01_mode_20-ZN3 ~ YUZUKI.txt Correct Affinity CPU 16 Incorrect Affinity on CPU 2

sp00n commented 9 months ago

Mh, works for me with your config. Your log file also says that it was assigned to core 0. Maybe upload your whole CoreCycler folder so that I can test with your mod. image

What Windows version ~and which CPU~ are you using? (just saw the 5950x, so no 7000 shenanigans)

LucidLuxxx commented 9 months ago

Windows 11 Pro, Version 22H2, Build 22621.2215... and I tried to drag the corecycler folder into this comment section and it won't let me. Had to upload it to google drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XqaW15UmphHz5Xu9Jsz93CAwwisls90P?usp=drive_link

LucidLuxxx commented 9 months ago

Running Prime95 SSE test runs normal. First core to show CPU usage is Core 0. It's only ycruncher. Not sure why. I didn't mod anything with y'cruncher. I only added custom tests alternative to Heavy, Moderate, Heavyshort, etc... Which ycruncher wouldnt even use. hmmm

sp00n commented 9 months ago

Something weird has happened with that upload, the y-Cruncher binaries are missing, and many files have been converted to .docx files. Oo Can't you attach a zip of the folder instead of dragging the folder itself here?

LucidLuxxx commented 9 months ago

only lets me upload 25mb and its 60 after zipping

LucidLuxxx commented 9 months ago

Here's a .zip version I was able to put in my drive. Github wont let me do it. When i try to split the .zip into 20MB sections during compression, it leaves me with a .zip file, a .z01 file, z02, and z03 file. The .z## files won't upload to Github. I tried to zip the zip file with the z## files and it then makes a single .zip file that's too large to upload to github lol. If you want me to send it a different way let me know. I think the zip in the Google Drive should work though.


LucidLuxxx commented 9 months ago

I split the files and used rar for better compression, but github doesnt support rar so I threw the rar files into zip files. Should just be able to extract both, then place ycruncher back into the test-programs folder. Y-Cruncher.zip CoreCycler.zip

LucidLuxxx commented 9 months ago

Okay so I apologize for wasting your time. I redownloaded corecycler and ran ycruncher and affinity is working normally now. I transferred my old corecycler folder to a secondary drive before i reinstalled windows 11 as new. Been running corecycler from my D: drive. Not sure if it was my modded ps1 file or somehow the transfer to different drive but its working after downloading from github.