sp00n / corecycler

Script to test single core stability, e.g. for PBO & Curve Optimizer on AMD Ryzen or overclocking/undervolting on Intel processors
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FATAL ERROR: Could not find the counter path for the Prime95 instance! #9

Closed verybadsoldier closed 3 years ago

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this cool tool! For me it's the best so far for this purpose.

However, I get this error sporadically. Sometimes when starting and sometimes when cores are switched:

C:\Users\vbs\Desktop\corecycler-master>"Run CoreCycler.bat"
Starting the CoreCycler
----------- CoreCycler v0.7.9.0 started at 2021-03-16 13:34:41Z -----------
Verbose mode is ENABLED: Writing to log file
Selected test mode: ....... SSE
Logical/Physical cores: ... 32 logical / 16 physical cores
Hyperthreading / SMT is: .. ON
Selected number of threads: 1
Runtime per core: ......... 1 hour, 15 minutes
Number of iterations: ..... 10000
Prime95's results are being stored in:

The path of the CoreCycler log file is:

13:34:41 - Iteration 1
13:34:41 - Set to Core 0 (CPU 0)
           Running for 1 hour, 15 minutes...
14:49:42 - Completed the test on Core 0 (CPU 0)
14:49:42 - Set to Core 1 (CPU 2)
           Running for 1 hour, 15 minutes...
16:04:44 - Completed the test on Core 1 (CPU 2)
16:04:44 - Set to Core 2 (CPU 4)
           Running for 1 hour, 15 minutes...
17:19:44 - Completed the test on Core 2 (CPU 4)
17:19:44 - Set to Core 3 (CPU 6)
           Running for 1 hour, 15 minutes...
ERROR: 18:13:00
ERROR: Prime95 seems to have stopped with an error!
ERROR: At Core 3 (CPU 6)
ERROR MESSAGE: FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
ERROR: The last *passed* FFT size before the error was: 720K
ERROR: Unfortunately FFT size fail detection only works for Smallest or Small FFT sizes.

18:13:00 - Trying to restart Prime95
FATAL ERROR: Could not find the counter path for the Prime95 instance!
Press Enter to exit:
verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

Just happened again: started and got this:

Starting the CoreCycler
FATAL ERROR: Could not find the counter path for the Prime95 instance!
Press Enter to exit:

Closed and started again and it worked fine.

sp00n commented 3 years ago

Can you upload the CoreCycler log file? It should have a bit more info.

Although I think I have fixed this error today for the v8 branch. I'm trying to backport some of the changes for

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

Yes sure, thank you. CoreCycler_2021-03-16_21-30-13_SSE.log CoreCycler_2021-03-16_21-30-32_SSE.log

sp00n commented 3 years ago

Hm. I have uploaded a new version, which might fix this.

If this doesn't work, you could also check out the v8 branch and try that one.

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

I tried but also got this directly on first start:

Starting the CoreCycler
FATAL ERROR: Could not find the counter path for the Prime95 instance!
Press Enter to exit:

I will try v8 branch. Thanks

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

Well, also happens in v8 branch.

sp00n commented 3 years ago

v8 has more debug output, maybe there's something in the log file this time that I can use to track down the issue.

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

Oh ok, sorry. Here is the logfile:

                 + Trying to get the localized performance counter names
                 + ID of "ID Process":                        784
                 + ID of "% Processor Time":                  6
                 + ID of "Process":                           230
                 + The localized name for "Process":          Prozess
                 + The localized name for "ID Process":       Prozesskennung
                 + The localized name for "% Processor Time": Prozessorzeit (%)
                 + FullName:                                  \Prozess(*)\Prozesskennung
                 + SearchString:                              \\Prozesskennung$
                 + ReplaceString:                             \Prozessorzeit (%)
                 + Initalizing the stress test program
                 + Checking if prime95.exe exists at:
                 + C:\Users\vbs\Desktop\corecycler\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
                 + Starting the stress test program
                 + Starting Prime95
                 + Trying to get the stress test program window handler
                 + Looking for these window names:
                 + ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
                 + Found the following window(s) with these names:
                 + Filtering the windows for ".*prime95.exe$":
                 + Stress test window handler:    
                 + Stress test window process ID: 
                 + Stress test process ID:        
FATAL ERROR: Could not find the counter path for the Prime95 instance!
sp00n commented 3 years ago

It can't seem to find the Prime95 window. The weird thing is that it apparently happens only sporadically.

I've just added a new check in the v8 branch which will wait a bit when nothing is found and then repeats the check. If still nothing is found it will at least show a different error message and possibly some more information.

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

Ok, I am testing current v8. So far it did not happen again. But too early to draw conclusions. Thank you.

sp00n commented 3 years ago

Closing this now, as it seems to be fixed.

verybadsoldier commented 3 years ago

Yes,, did not happen ever again for me, thanks!