sp614x / optifine

1.79k stars 418 forks source link

is rudoplays shader owned by copatic13(no longer responding due to bullying) #3459

Closed anonymus411 closed 4 years ago

anonymus411 commented 4 years ago

i keep hearing different things,i just want to know,thanks!

Naeqirelle commented 4 years ago

this isn't really the place to be asking, try on the optifine discord under the #shaders channel https://discord.gg/3mMpcwW

ZtereoHYPE commented 4 years ago

Yeah this github page is to report optifine bugs. If you want to know more about shaders, go in the shaderlabs discord server (pinned in #shaders)

anonymus411 commented 4 years ago

no,i just want to know if its stolen

ghost commented 4 years ago

Yeah but this isn't the place for that

ZtereoHYPE commented 4 years ago

As my colleague said, this is not the place for asking shader questions, not only because you are filling up uselessly the GitHub page, but because probably no one knows. As a reference, it’s like entering a bar and asking for some ink for your printer. The shaderlabs discord server would be the ink shop for the printer, the ideal place to go.

anonymus411 commented 4 years ago

all i asked was a simple question was all, didnt mean to trigger anyone.

ZtereoHYPE commented 4 years ago

The short answer is: we don’t know, go ask the shaderlabs discord

anonymus411 commented 4 years ago

i did they helped.

sp614x commented 4 years ago

Not related to OptiFine.

anonymus411 commented 4 years ago

you cant close my own post

ghost commented 4 years ago

it's sp's repository, he can do what he wants.

anonymus411 commented 4 years ago

i was just asking,all the people all too harsh here, if you want to close this post fight me on it

anonymus411 commented 4 years ago

oh and also have fun being reported bud, for closing my OWN post

JackDotJS commented 4 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, a prime example of what NOT to do on GitHub.

Siuolplex commented 4 years ago

I didn't know a man with that few brain cells could comprehend shaders. Much less download Optifine.

Siuolplex commented 4 years ago

Also, kindly unb!ock Devin. He does not own the repo, nor blocked you. Please learn to read a repo name better.

rre36 commented 4 years ago


anonymus411 commented 4 years ago

I didn't know a man with that few brain cells could comprehend shaders. Much less download Optifine.

thank you i know i have no brain cells, i have multiple brain disorders, thank you for noticing! also not a man

Naeqirelle commented 4 years ago

Brain disorders require you to have a brain, which i doubt with you

JackDotJS commented 4 years ago

@sp614x can you just lock this now?