sp614x / optifine

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[FATAL RTX 3000s FLAW] RTX 3070 only 20-50% usage maximum #6122

Open AlexTestria opened 2 years ago

AlexTestria commented 2 years ago

Optifine does not use above 50% usage on RTX 3070s cards! This Bug has been tested on multiple different Computers with different configurations and different kinds of RTX 3070 cards. The Bug occurs always in Optifine no matter if you use shaders or not. Also, resourcepacks don't play a role here. I tested with no resourcepacks activated and with my 1024x ultra-realistic resourcepack. The GPU usage stays between 20 and 50%.

My setup does not bottleneck my GPU.

Ryzen 5 3600 Gigabyte RTX 3070 8Gb OC FuryX 3200 MHz 2x8 Gb

The CPU is nowhere too fully loaded and not a single core is running above 70% when playing. The GPU has lots of unused VRAM Minecraft could use. The RAM is set to 3 Gb and only 2.3 Gb are used.

No Optifine settings play a role in this bug. No matter what is activated/deactivated in the performance tab has not have an effect on performance. The latest Java is downloaded, all graphics drivers are updated, no Overclocking is applied. I reinstalled Minecraft, Java, and every Graphics Driver with a tool. Which optifine version I am using does not make any difference. Same on 1.16.5 G8 and 1.17.1.

When using Iris + Sodium 100% of my GPU is being used and I get a 4x FPS increase. Many close friends with a RTX 3070 tested the EXACT same settings as me and also only had the same usage.

I installed Optifine using standalone installer.

F3: (Screen size is wrong: 1920-1080) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/826201040823123979/872095347181248532/unknown.png?width=1387&height=780

fayer3 commented 2 years ago

you have anispotropic filtering enabled, this option cause more cpu strain and probably is why you get lower fps than sodium

UndyingSisyphos commented 1 year ago

What about Antialiasing and Anisotropic Filtering? Also, did you test only 3000s or also 2000s and 1000s GPUs? You mentioned GPU and RAM usage, what about the CPU? And by the way, 2.3GB is decently close to the dedicated 3GB. When your RAM usage gets even just close to the total RAM (7 out of 8, 14 out of 16, etc...) windows slows down and the same concept is applicable to the JVM running minecraft, try to take it up to 6 if you can. Dedicating 6GB is basically enough for ultra settings in all of Minecraft, even with most shaders. It's probably not really necessary unless you use 48+ chunks render distance but it should help diagnose the problem better.