sp614x / optifine

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[Bug] particle rendering through blocks in 1.18 with shaders #6451

Open monkeyzone456 opened 2 years ago

monkeyzone456 commented 2 years ago

Description of Issue

most particles that I have seen can be seen through blocks, this only happens with shaders enabled

Steps to Reproduce

Run 1.18 optifine with shaders

  1. place block that emits particles
  2. have blocks between you and particles

OptiFine Version


Installation Method

Installed as a mod

Fabric/Forge Version

forge 38.0.14

Other Installed Mods

appleskin architectury balm clienttweaks cloth config controlling forge ding gamemenu inventory sorter jade jei journey map light overlay mouse tweaks not enough crashes sound physics

happens with standalone optifine

ProcrastinatorSal commented 2 years ago

Having this exact issue with Forge 39.0.0 and OptiFine_1.18.1_HD_U_H4.jar Haven't checked if it's a standalone optifine issue, but the bug works with/without shaders for me.

sp614x commented 2 years ago

Tested with Forge 39.0.0 and OptiFine H4, particles render correctly. Smoke particles: image

dungrabito commented 2 years ago

I have the same bug. Particles quickly flashes through the blocks when picking up an item. This only works with items previously mined. Even with particles set to minimal and animations ALL OFF, particles are still visible when picking up and item.

CommandoEchino commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue. There are reports of this across Reddit. I am using a GTX1650S and a 5800X, if it matters.

This only seems to occur when a user is using both Forge and OptiFine. I have yet to see it in pure OptiFine, and there are no reports of this occurring with pure OptiFine online.

To be specific, I can confirm @dungrabito's description of when the issue occurs. It only seems to happen when a user picks up a block after breaking it. Simply picking up an item or breaking a block does not trigger it -- only a combination of the two causes this bug.

The particles appear black and are visible through blocks as far as they are rendered (which is your simulation distance I think).

I am running the most recent version of Forge (39.0.5) and the most recent preview of OptiFine (1.18.1 HD U H5 pre4).




CommandoEchino commented 2 years ago

@sp614x Sorry if mentioning you breaks a rule, I just want to let you know that we've made some progress on this issue in #6528. Preliminary indications seem to indicate that you -- perhaps by complete accident -- may have actually fixed this bug in pre5, however we're not 100% certain yet.

Here is my procedure to reproduce this bug:

  1. Install Forge for 1.18.1. Even version 39.0.75 works (most recent version at time of writing).
  2. Drag Any version of Optifine 1.18.1 from H4 to H5_pre4 and a mod with some textures built into it (like Simple Voice Chat) into the mods folder
  3. Launch the Forge profile
  4. Close MC, restart it
  5. Open a world. The graphical bug will occur when breaking and then picking up a block. The breaking particles will turn black, as will campfire smoke, and it will be visible through blocks.