sp614x / optifine

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[Bug] single player doesnt works #7510

Closed giganigeria closed 12 months ago

giganigeria commented 12 months ago

Description of Issue

i cant play single player and i dont know why maybe because of mods. anyways if i try then it loads normally and if it finished it goes completely grey and then i get kicked , after that it says Invalid player data and if i go back then im in server list idk what to do

Steps to Reproduce

  1. starting / creating singleplayer game
  2. idk how to find bug

OptiFine Version

OptiFine HD U H9 ## Installation Method put the jar file in the mods folder ## Fabric/Forge Version forge 1.18.2 40.2.9 ## Other Installed Mods [mods](https://pastebin.com/wDwa9wat)

Log Files/Crash Reports

the latest log [latest_log.zip](https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/files/12194437/latest_log.zip)

F3 Debug Screenshot

cant because i get kicked

Prior Testing

it works only without mods ## Additional Information

i didnt tried all of these that were standing in this but i would like to get better tips from you guys

Jiingy commented 12 months ago

This is not an issue with OptiFine. [28Juli2023 13:36:00.906] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus/EVENTBUS]: Exception caught during firing event: LazyOptional is empty or otherwise returned null from getValue() unexpectedly Index: 1 Listeners: 0: NORMAL 1: ASM: class de.budschie.bmorph.events.Events onDatapackSyncing(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/OnDatapackSyncEvent;)V 2: net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus$$Lambda$4448/0x0000000100ca71f0@15bf4cf1 3: ASM: class com.mrcrayfish.guns.common.NetworkGunManager onDatapackSync(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/OnDatapackSyncEvent;)V 4: ASM: class com.simibubi.create.foundation.events.CommonEvents onDatapackSync(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/OnDatapackSyncEvent;)V 5: LOWEST 6: ASM: class com.github.mechalopa.hmag.AddSpawnerDataEvents onDatapackSync(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/OnDatapackSyncEvent;)V

Looks like it's an issue with mrcrayfish guns mod. Please report the issue there.

giganigeria commented 12 months ago

thanks so much bro but without optifine it was working