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[CIT Question/Feature request] Multiple conditions #7665

Open PenT1x opened 1 month ago

PenT1x commented 1 month ago

Is there a way to have multiple conditions? I want to change the armor layer when the armor has both protection 1 and unbreaking 1. Because if you do this: type=armor items=diamond_helmet diamond_chestplate diamond_leggings diamond_boots texture.diamond_layer_1=u1_d_l_1 texture.diamond_layer_2=u1_d_l_2 enchantments=unbreaking protection enchantmentLevels=1

Then it is going to change the layer when the enchantment is unbreaking OR protection with level 1. And not when it is unbreaking 1 AND protection 1.

Is there a way to do like an AND on the enchantments?

PenT1x commented 1 month ago

I am trying to use nbt now. But I cant get it to work. I have tried: type=armor items=diamond_helmet diamond_chestplate diamond_leggings diamond_boots texture.diamond_layer_1=u1_d_l_1 texture.diamond_layer_2=u1_d_l_2 nbt.Enchantments.0.id=unbreaking

But it doesn't change texture on armor with only unbreaking on.