space-concordia-robotics / robotics-prototype

Teleoperated Mars rover with autonomous capabilities intended for robotics competitions.
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ROS2 Autonomy Nav2 BT Navigator #621

Closed swiftul closed 6 months ago

swiftul commented 6 months ago

BT Navigator requires a service that is not being run. Worked perfectly a few days ago, no longer works. Must be fixed or we have no autonomy.

swiftul commented 6 months ago

Need to first install nav2 to test on other systems

sudo apt install ros-humble-navigation2 sudo apt install ros-humble-nav2-bringup

After this, checkout rostwo-lidar-610, cd into robot/rospoackages, and run following command:

colcon build && ros2 launch beep_autonomy

Might want to skip ouster-ros and ouster-msgs if build is misbehaving