space-concordia-robotics / robotics-rover

This is the actual code running on the rover.
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Switched to an mjpg_streamer implementation for streaming. #27

Closed msnidal closed 9 years ago

msnidal commented 9 years ago

This uses wayyy fewer CPU cycles than the VLC streaming, and it seems like there is significantly less latency, though I have yet to test it properly on the rover over sputnik. It seems unlikely that setup-tools will be able to automatically install this so we're stuck manually compiling for now:

Get the code via svn: $ svn co mjpg-streamer

Dependencies (assuming debian, use package manager equivalent) $ sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev imagemagick libv4l-dev

Installing mjpg_streamer: $ cd mjpg-stream $ sudo make install

This guide helped explain the major functionality for me. I've written a VideoStream class so we could use handle multiple webcam streaming without too much of a hassle.