Hi, Mike! Thanks for putting together this nice python IRI wrapper.
The tests you provide are running fine when I run them from the piIRI2016 project directory, but it breaks when I run the same script from a different directory. The correct location of the data directory is not being passed to the fortran code. For instance:
(365) w2naf@click:~/code/test$ ./AltitudeProfile.py
reading /home/w2naf/.pyenv/versions/365/lib/python3.6/site-packages/data/index/ig_rz.dat
At line 8427 of file fortran/irifun.for
Fortran runtime error: Cannot open file '/home/w2naf/.pyenv/versions/365/lib/python3.6/site-packages/data/index/ig_rz.dat': No such file or directory
Hi, Mike! Thanks for putting together this nice python IRI wrapper.
The tests you provide are running fine when I run them from the piIRI2016 project directory, but it breaks when I run the same script from a different directory. The correct location of the data directory is not being passed to the fortran code. For instance:
The correct path should be:
Do you know where to fix this?
I'm using Python 3.6.5 in a pyenv virtualenv.
Thanks, Nathaniel