space-wizards / SS14.Launcher

Launcher for Space Station 14.
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Displays reported panic bunker status for listed servers #128

Open deathride58 opened 6 months ago

deathride58 commented 6 months ago

Title! This is basically just the launcher-side followup to space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/23330

After these changes, the server list looks like this: image

Servers with the panic bunker enabled will have a lock door emoji (influenced by installed fonts. this should 100% be replaced with a proper system-agnostic icon at some point; perhaps #126 might be able to do this?) alongside their playercount. Those that have their panic bunker disabled will have no marks. Servers that have an unknown panic bunker status (caused by the server not reporting panic bunker status at all) will display a question mark. Displaying the question mark directly encourages servers to report their panic bunker status proper, which in turn makes it far more clear which servers can just be joined and which ones aren't accepting new players.

This in turn will make joining servers a lot more clear for new players who probably won't know what a panic bunker is; quite a few new players on the Discord have expressed being immensely confused of why they're unable to join the main servers, so this gives a far clearer indicator to new players of "Hey, this server might not be available to you"

Additionally, this includes the option to filter the server list by panic bunker status! (GIF is out of date and uses an old design, but the functionality still exists) dotnet_owInk7j4pl

Visne commented 6 months ago

I think the lock icon will be pretty confusing to people that are actually allowed to join, and I don't really like the question mark (because it's even less clear what it means). Considering that the amount of servers with no panic bunker status should be pretty low, I would prefer not showing an icon. At the very least this needs tooltips, but even then I think it might add more confusion that it removes. I like the filter though (but it should probably also get a tooltip explaining what it means).

deathride58 commented 6 months ago

Aye, the exact icon to display could definitely use some bikeshedding. Perhaps a door icon instead, and maybe a door with a question mark on it for servers that lack a status?

Also, right now, the vast majority of servers on the hub simply don't report their panic bunker status. Displaying some sort of indicator that the panic bunker status is missing both directly encourages servers to report their PB status, and gives players an indicator of "hey, there's not enough information to say if you're able to join this server"

deathride58 commented 6 months ago

Getting up and thinking about it while grabbing a drink: Perhaps a separate Bunker section for the status icons instead of the status being displayed as part of the playercount would work? This would be similar to how most games with server browsers display extra info like password protection, anticheat status, etc.

LankLTE commented 6 months ago

The filter is nice. I think the issue isn’t with the specific icon but moreso that having an icon in such a visible place with little information is going to be generally confusing if not outright harmful by making people think they can’t join servers with an icon. Something that could possibly fit better is having it as part of the extended stuff like infolinks & description shown on clicking on a server, perhaps in a place for icons relating to general server status that can be hovered-over to show information (and still filtered from). Whatever solution you go with, keep in mind that most people probably have no idea what “panic bunker” means.

deathride58 commented 6 months ago

The main issue with locking it behind the extended description is that it wouldn't be good for UX; the point in having it be highly visible is to make it easy for players to tell at a glance whether or not a server has the panic bunker enabled. (Though ideally this should be paired with tooltips as Visne suggested, as all it'd take is a mouse-over to get an explainer of what a bunker is. We're working on that rn)

ike709 commented 6 months ago

I think the lock is fine as long as the tooltip adequately explains what it means. If they still can't figure it out, do you really want them on your server?

deathride58 commented 6 months ago

Here's a quick redesign! dotnet_wCKQHfa4ie

Visne commented 6 months ago

That looks a lot better to me. Why do some servers have missing panic bunker information? Is it because their engine build is out of date? If that's the case I would really prefer not having the question mark, still (considering that if the information is missing there's a very good chance that there is no panic bunker).

deathride58 commented 6 months ago

Panic bunker is a content-defined thing, just like the maximum player count. The panic bunker itself was added to content back in 2022, but our PR to make servers report panic bunker status (that'd be space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/23330) was merged 3 days ago, so it's more a matter of servers having not pulled that PR yet than anything else.

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