[ERRO] root: A moving strap entity bar stool (892017, StoolBar) attempted to re-parent an entity that does not 'belong' to it Gary Mouseman (926354, MobHuman)
[ERRO] physics: While adding joint pull-joint-892668 to Cherry White (923942, MobHuman), the connected entity MegaSeed Servitor (892668, VendingMachineSeeds) already had a joint with the same ID connected to another entity Alexa Bashline (921295, MobHuman).
[ERRO] physics: While adding joint pull-joint-892668 to Cherry White (923942, MobHuman), the connected entity MegaSeed Servitor (892668, VendingMachineSeeds) already had a joint with the same ID connected to another entity Ilzryn (922592, MobReptilian).
[ERRO] physics: While adding joint pull-joint-892668 to Alexa Bashline (921295, MobHuman), the connected entity MegaSeed Servitor (892668, VendingMachineSeeds) already had a joint with the same ID connected to another entity Ilzryn (922592, MobReptilian).
[ERRO] physics: While adding joint pull-joint-892474 to Jeremiah Bullfrog (921179, MobHuman), the connected entity janitorial trolley (892474, JanitorialTrolley) already had a joint with the same ID connected to another entity Operator Echo (920711, MobHumanNukeOp).