space-wizards / space-station-14

A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13.
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Beds Heal Toxin Damage #18499

Open Alekshhh opened 11 months ago

Alekshhh commented 11 months ago

As title says, all beds, medical or regular, heal toxin damage. I didn't test it on radiation, but it may heal it as well.

deltanedas commented 11 months ago

wasnt this removed

Aisu9 commented 11 months ago

it was removed to promote better medical teaching, before the removal you could just tuck someone in medical beds and wait for the regen to do all the work

Alekshhh commented 11 months ago

toxin damage is still healed I tested it, dunno about rads though

UbaserB commented 6 months ago

I cant tell if this is an issue or a suggestion. Currently as it stands, they still do heal poison damage; not radiation.

K-Dynamic commented 6 months ago

Weren't beds supposed to heal blunt and cold dmg, not blunt and poison?

I think medical beds should have wide-spec or multiple regens again, but currently healing poison is probably a bug

Aisu9 commented 6 months ago

medical beds should also be removed from the space wrecks Salvages can find, they were nerfed primarely because salvagers were making their own powercreep dens on their shuttle never stepping on station and doing everything in their little paradise

deltanedas commented 6 months ago
Aisu9 commented 6 months ago
  • salv can just make beds wreck doesnt matter

    • salv regularly make their own chem so beds wont affect that especially after nerfing

isn't chemistry and medecine crafting getting nuke some time soon-ish? this will definitively have an impact(that is if chem restock box are also removed to prevent chemistry relying sorely on cargo for making meds with is a very boring gameplay loop)

K-Dynamic commented 6 months ago

What salvage could do shouldn't come at the detriment of medical or other departments

To salv, medical bed was the easiest way of getting offstation healing at the time; now they just patch themselves up with medkits + chems and still won't come on station

In return, patients stay injured longer in med over the promised idea that they'd see their beloved salv heroes return to station to also heal (they still won't lol)

Aisu9 commented 6 months ago

What salvage could do shouldn't come at the detriment of medical or other departments

Medical bed was simply an easier way of getting offstation healing; now they just patch themselves up with medkits + chems and still won't come on station

this is in no way affecting medical, chemistry will be meant to go around the station and ask other department help in order to supply their own chemicals for their works(they will start with some so they still can make medicine), so obviously if they are meant to ask other for that it make sens to remove chemical restock box from the request form, because why would they ask other department for help if they can just ask cargo to spend a thousand spessbucks and restock 900u of every chemicals their machine can dispend? Just remove the beds from salvage wrecks(AND expedition procedural bits), wait for the chem nuke, remove the restock box from the request console, bump the price of the medkits and finally tune down the amount of money cargo can make. and finally buff medical bed again because they belong in medbay and nowhere else)

Aisu9 commented 6 months ago

also tune down heavily the amount of medicine found on wrecks(yes even in the almost pristine medbay chunk) maybe with this many stick in their wheel they will start to consider they are also part of the crew, and not a special force sent to exterminate every xenos hiding in space and on planet ground(could also nerf damage reduction value of their suit... they are not space marines after all)

deltanedas commented 6 months ago

give salv shock collars too so they know whos boss

K-Dynamic commented 6 months ago

Fuck it make it so salv can only do dimension/bluespace jumps for expeditions and get recalled back after 10 minutes