Open moonheart08 opened 4 years ago
[x] Functional hotbar. Click/drag(or w/e) things from the tile/entity list to the hotbar and be able to quickly select them.
[ ] Object tree akin to StrongDMM/DM. Basically, a list that hosts everything but is compartmentalized, instead of separating different things to entirely different menus. (my workflow :(((((((((((( )
[ ] Click copying. The ability to click things on the map for them be selected for placement, removing a lot of repetition from mapping.
[ ] Map copying. The ability to select parts of the map and copy it elsewhere, for instance, to extend a hallway without needing to place every single wall and floor and pipe and...
[ ] Zoom controls. Scrolling with the middle-mouse button to zoom in and out without any hassle.
[ ] Placing walls should automatically place a plating tile underneath if there isn't already a tile there, and it should connect to the tile grid without the need for a tile underneath.
[ ] Extended grid placement, allowing you to build away from a tile section while still being able to connect to it later.
- [ ] Functional hotbar. Click/drag(or w/e) things from the tile/entity list to the hotbar and be able to quickly select them.
- [ ] Object tree akin to StrongDMM/DM. Basically, a list that hosts everything but is compartmentalized, instead of separating different things to entirely different menus. (my workflow :(((((((((((( )
- [ ] Click copying. The ability to click things on the map for them be selected for placement, removing a lot of repetition from mapping.
- [ ] Map copying. The ability to select parts of the map and copy it elsewhere, for instance, to extend a hallway without needing to place every single wall and floor and pipe and...
- [ ] Zoom controls. Scrolling with the middle-mouse button to zoom in and out without any hassle.
- [ ] Placing walls should automatically place a plating tile underneath if there isn't already a tile there, and it should connect to the tile grid without the need for a tile underneath.
- [ ] Extended grid placement, allowing you to build away from a tile section while still being able to connect to it later.
But yeah, good points overall, I look forward to anyone giving mapping some love.
Now we can use the action bar a wall mode seems obsolete.
I’d also like to tack on having actions for dragging grids (hand tool), splitting grids (a brush erase tool) and merging grids (click edge of point 1 then edge of point 2). is a really good source of inspiration when it comes to mapping workflow and tools. I think it's worth taking inspiration from it. is a really good source of inspiration when it comes to mapping workflow and tools. I think it's worth taking inspiration from it.
Currently all mapping takes place within the game and I’m not sure that will change in the near future, unless PJB decides or someone codes it. It’s a nice reference though. What tools / workflow do we need that aren’t on the list?
Random unorganized thoughts coming from my personal workflow on SDMM