space-wizards / space-station-14

A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13.
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How to create flesh golems (and send players to the hell dimension) #27432

Open ARMOKS opened 3 months ago

ARMOKS commented 3 months ago


You can create flesh golems of other players and control them. You can also banish players to the hell dimension.

Reproduction Step 1, place spin inverter in armok backpack, link to another on floor. Step 2, turn armok into lizard with juice that makes you weh Step 3, Takes The Cake activates the second beacon while Armok is lizard Step 4, I am now controlling a flesh golem that looks like Takes the Cake named ??? Step 4.5, Takes the Cake is now stuck in the hell dimension and teleporting to her crashes my game Step 5, why does this even happen what

Screenshots Video too big, DM me on discord and I will stream it for you

Additional context Flesh golems are scary and make a error message every tick

mirrorcult commented 3 months ago

uhh sounds like its QSI teleporting the polymorphed entity out of the polymorph map

mirrorcult commented 3 months ago

thats pretty fucked up

deepdarkdepths commented 3 months ago

You can use a video compressor site to compress the video size to 10MB and upload it here.

ARMOKS commented 3 months ago

I will make a higher quality video (at the price of sending punpun to hell) detailing the steps then post it

ARMOKS commented 3 months ago

I had to compress this three times

ImWeax commented 3 months ago

I love going to the hell dimension due to a science experiment gone wrong

FungiFellow commented 3 months ago

This isn't chemistry it's ALCHEMY

Scruq445 commented 3 months ago

Most insane bug of the QSI or SS14 ever

Golinth commented 2 months ago

dear god just remove the QSI already. Its becoming the Telesto of ss14

ARMOKS commented 2 months ago

Let’s not remove it. It’s an extremely fun, cool, and useful item if you get it set up right

FungiFellow commented 2 months ago

I found that being a sentient artifact you get sent to hell when the person carrying you is transformed into a light humanoid