space-wizards / space-station-14

A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13.
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Separate the wielding and bolting hotkeys #28220

Open XxSWAG-MASTER-OVERLORDxX opened 2 months ago

XxSWAG-MASTER-OVERLORDxX commented 2 months ago


The biggest issue with the recent gun changes is that both wielding and bolting are bound to the same key, it would be much better to have it on a different key OR make it so you have to press one more button to wield the gun. How it currently is: Wield = Alt+Z Bolt = Alt+Z

What I'm suggesting is: Wield = Ctrl+Alt+Z Bolt = Alt+Z

Why i suggest it being ctrl+alt+z and not another key entirely is it more thematic for it to also be bound to a Z key interaction since it's the "use while in hand key" and having a third option for uses can open up other items to have it as well, and for the case with heavy guns it makes since it takes a moment to wield a gun and move all your fingers off of the wasd keys and press the keys below them. still making it a slightly hard maneuver to pull off while in combat but doable when given a moment to take cover

lzk228 commented 2 months ago

bolt on R :godo:

XxSWAG-MASTER-OVERLORDxX commented 2 months ago

on god, anything is better than having to either drop your gun and press E on it, or use the verb dropdown via rightclick

QuietlyWhisper commented 2 months ago

Switch firerate is also ALT Z but it only works if the gun has no mag because that key is also drop mag into hand :)

so youd need to move those two keybinds as well have fun

XxSWAG-MASTER-OVERLORDxX commented 2 months ago


thebadman4662 commented 2 months ago

on god, anything is better than having to either drop your gun and press E on it, or use the verb dropdown via rightclick

You can also just E it in your hand... When you reload chances are you are already pointing at it.

Alas you can't cycle same way shotguns, only way is to keep rightclicking if ammo is wrong now.

slarticodefast commented 2 months ago

How about automatic wielding? Pick the gun up with both hands free -> wield it Pick the gun up with one hand full -> don't wield it Pick up an item in the second hand -> unwield the gun Drop the item from the second hand -> wield the gun Press Z in the hand carrying the gun -> Bolt

Errant-4 commented 2 months ago

I think it would be a better approach to design things to work with less keybinds, not introduce more things to bind

There are already QOL fixes pending for wielding, and I think it would be in a good state if we simply REMOVED unwielding from Z (it's not Alt+Z). Then it would work like this:

First Z wields the gun (or axe or spear or whatever) Second Z closes the bolt Third Z cycles the gun

To unwield, you would Swap Hands (X) and Drop Item (Q). This is currently possible I have a PR open that unwields the weapon when you merely swap your hands, so there is no need to additionally press Q

An alternate proposal to Wielding has been to make it automatic if the mob's other hand is free, and allow picking something up with the "occupied" second hand to unwield

As an aside, our default Keybind is, in my opinion, already less than ideal for requiring Shift and Alt modifiers on "basic" functions. This is entirely avoidable so long as one is willing to kill the WASD doctrine and shift movement over to ESDF, I know this is a polarising change that most won't try or even care about, but the point is, at least to some, it's currently possible to have every important thing bound to a single keypress within easy reach. Please don't make that harder unless really necessary

thebadman4662 commented 2 months ago

Unwield on swap hands would truly be goated and help bows so much!

XxSWAG-MASTER-OVERLORDxX commented 2 months ago

I think it would be a better approach to design things to work with less keybinds, not introduce more things to bind

There are already QOL fixes pending for wielding, and I think it would be in a good state if we simply REMOVED unwielding from Z (it's not Alt+Z). Then it would work like this:

First Z wields the gun (or axe or spear or whatever) Second Z closes the bolt Third Z cycles the gun

To unwield, you would Swap Hands (X) and Drop Item (Q). This is currently possible I have a PR open that unwields the weapon when you merely swap your hands, so there is no need to additionally press Q

An alternate proposal to Wielding has been to make it automatic if the mob's other hand is free, and allow picking something up with the "occupied" second hand to unwield

As an aside, our default Keybind is, in my opinion, already less than ideal for requiring Shift and Alt modifiers on "basic" functions. This is entirely avoidable so long as one is willing to kill the WASD doctrine and shift movement over to ESDF, I know this is a polarising change that most won't try or even care about, but the point is, at least to some, it's currently possible to have every important thing bound to a single keypress within easy reach. Please don't make that harder unless really necessary

Is there a PR open with these fixes? since i think this is prob the best way to do it.

LordEclipse commented 2 months ago

Could just have guns with multiple actions use the action wheel/radial like what the RCD uses

Errant-4 commented 2 months ago

Is there a PR open with these fixes? since i think this is prob the best way to do it.

28002 removes unwielding on Use (only from guns)

28161 adds unwielding on Hand Swap

Lamrr commented 2 months ago

Question; do we even need gun bolting on most guns?

I can see how it might balance out things like pump action shotguns (slow shooting, manual-to-use firearm) but for most weapons it seems to just add another step to reloading for seemingly no gameplay benefit at all.

Errant-4 commented 2 months ago

I just want to additionally document somewhere, anywhere, the bizarre behavior that guns currently exhibit related to this: when you press Z and wield them they cycle, but when you press Z and they unwield they do not cycle

thebadman4662 commented 2 months ago

They cyckle(or rather play sound in prediction) because your other hand is "occupied" by dual-weidling.

BolloTea commented 2 months ago

Why not use "spacebar" for the bolt? On some servers (TGMC ss13) it is actively used, and to change the shooting mode - the side menu (like a scream), the only thing that uses the key combination is Weapon Lock