NOTE: Submitting this since i'm scared of losing work, compiling this was an absolute ass.
Was gonna make this a project but I think an issue is good 'nuff. This issue is only tracking components and UI/Menus, NOT entities.
Our docs on Fluent. Basically fluent replaces the content Loc.GetString() with a identifier that reads from the .flt files in our locale directory.
Most of the Loc.GetStrings in the codebase have not been converted over to this new system, so get crackin' and fix em. It's pretty easy to do, but do NOT web-edit it or I will close your PR.
Ngl this is pretty tedious and since I expect you to check in-game that you've done this right I don't recommend you make massive PRs for this. However, I also will not approve of a million tiny PRs for each component.
Not touching any BodySystem stuff to make stuff easier on @DrSmugleaf .
[ ] CharacterInfoComponent.cs
[ ] GasAnalyzerComponent.cs
[ ] HyposprayComponent.cs
[ ] InjectorComponent.cs
[ ] ConstructionGhostComponent.cs
[ ] CrayonComponent.cs
[ ] HumanInventoryInterfaceController.cs
[ ] WelderComponent.cs
[ ] ActionSlot.cs
[ ] DisarmAction.cs
[ ] Seed.cs
[ ] ToiletLidClosed.cs
Content.Server starts here I think, so some repeats.
[ ] WirePanel.cs
[ ] IdCardComponent.cs
[ ] IdCardConsoleComponent.cs
[ ] CuffableComponent.cs
[ ] HandcuffComponent.cs
[ ] SpaceVillainArcadeComponent.cs
[ ] FirelockComponent.cs
[ ] FlammableComponent.cs
[ ] GasAnalyzerComponent.cs
[ ] GasTankComponent.cs
[ ] BarSignComponent.cs <- This is such a shitty bit of code rewrite it please.
[ ] PlantHolderComponent.cs
[ ] SeedComponent.cs
[ ] SeedExtractorComponent.cs
[ ] BuckleComponent.cs
[ ] ChemMasterComponent.cs
[ ] HyposprayComponent.cs
[ ] InjectorComponent.cs
[ ] PillComponent.cs
[ ] ReagentDispenserComponent.cs
[ ] RehydratableComponent.cs
[ ] ConfigurationComponent.cs
[ ] ConfigurationComponent.cs
[ ] ConstructionComponent.cs
[ ] MachineBoardComponent.cs <- Only first entry needs it.
[ ] MachinePartComponent.cs
[ ] CrayonComponent.cs
[ ] SliceableFoodComponent.cs
[ ] DisposalMailingUnitComponent.cs
[ ] DisposalRouterComponent.cs
[ ] DisposalTaggerComponent.cs
[ ] DisposalTubeComponent.cs
[ ] DisposalUnitComponent.cs
[ ] AirlockComponent.cs
[ ] ExtinguisherCabinetComponent.cs
[ ] BucketComponent.cs
[ ] MopComponent.cs
[ ] PuddleComponent.cs
[ ] SpillableComponent.cs
[ ] SprayComponent.cs
[ ] InventoryComponent.cs
[ ] StrippableComponent.cs
[ ] HumanInventoryControllerComponent.cs
[ ] HeadsetComponent.cs
[ ] InstrumentComponent.cs
[ ] HandheldLightComponent.cs
[ ] WelderComponent.cs
[ ] DiceComponent.cs <- This one is funky,
[ ] FireExtinguisherComponent.cs
[ ] RCDAmmoComponent.cs
[ ] RCDComponent.cs
[ ] EntityStorageComponent.cs
[ ] ItemComponent.cs
[ ] SecretStashComponent.cs
[ ] SecureEntityStorageComponent.cs
[ ] LightReplacerComponent.cs
[ ] KitchenSpikeComponent.cs
[ ] MicrowaveComponent.cs
[ ] ReagentGrinderComponent.cs
[ ] SignalButtonComponent.cs
[ ] SignalReceiverComponent.cs
[ ] SignalSwitchComponent.cs
[ ] SignalTransmitterComponent.cs
[ ] SignalTwoWayLeverComponent.cs
[ ] MagbootsComponent.cs
[ ] MagicMirrorComponent.cs
[ ] WarpPointComponent.cs
[ ] MedicalScannerComponent.cs
[ ] MetabolismComponent.cs
[ ] MindComponent.cs
[ ] StunnableComponent.cs
[ ] BodyBagEntityStorageComponent.cs
[ ] CrematoriumEntityStorageComponent.cs
[ ] MorgueEntityStorageComponent.cs
[ ] NodeContainerComponent.cs
[ ] CreamPiedComponent.cs
[ ] DrinkComponent.cs
[ ] FoodComponent.cs <- Partially done, don't be fooled.
[ ] GhostComponent.cs
[ ] ParticleAcceleratorControlBoxComponent.cs
[ ] PDAComponent.cs
[ ] PottedPlantHideComponent.cs
[ ] AMEControllerComponent.cs
[ ] AMEPartComponent.cs
[ ] ApcComponent.cs
[ ] PowerReceiverComponent.cs
[ ] BaseCharger.cs
[ ] EmergencyLightComponent.cs
[ ] PoweredLightComponent.cs
[ ] PowerCellComponent.cs
[ ] PowerCellSlotComponent.cs
[ ] RadiationCollectorComponent.cs
[ ] PullableComponent.cs
[ ] HandheldRadioComponent.cs
[ ] RecyclerComponent.cs
[ ] FlippableComponent.cs
[ ] RotatableComponent.cs
[ ] StrapComponent.cs
[ ] SuspicionRoleComponent.cs
[ ] TraitorDeathMatchRedemptionComponent.cs
[ ] VendingMachineComponent.cs
[ ] ToiletComponent.cs
[ ] FlashComponent.cs
[ ] StunbatonComponent.cs
[ ] AmmoBoxComponent.cs
[ ] AmmoComponent.cs
[ ] RangedMagazineComponent.cs
[ ] SpeedLoaderComponent.cs
[ ] BoltActionBarrelComponent.cs
[ ] PumpBarrelComponent.cs
[ ] RevolverBarrelComponent.cs
[ ] ServerBatteryBarrelComponent.cs
[ ] ServerMagazineBarrelComponent.cs
[ ] ServerRangedBarrelComponent.cs
[ ] ServerRangedWeaponComponent.cs
[ ] WiresComponent.cs
[ ] PresetTraitorDeathMatch.cs
[ ] RuleDeathMatch.cs
[ ] RuleInactivityTimeRestart.cs
[ ] RuleMaxTimeRestart.cs
[ ] RuleSuspicion.cs
[ ] RuleTraitor.cs
[ ] GameTicker.cs <- Partially done, don't be fooled.
[ ] GameTicker.JobController.cs
[ ] DefaultHolidayGreet.cs
[ ] SuspicionTraitorRole.cs <- Partially done?
[ ] TraitorRole.cs
[ ] DieCondition.cs
[ ] KillPersonCondition.cs
[ ] StayAliveCondition.cs
[ ] StealCondition.cs
[ ] PowerGridCheck.cs
[ ] RadiationStorm.cs
[ ] VoteOptions.cs
[ ] VerbSystem.cs
[ ] DragDropSystem.cs
Content.Server starts here.
[ ] ExamineSystem.cs
[ ] ConstructionSystem.cs
[ ] HandsSystem.cs
[ ] PointingSystem.cs
[ ] RoundEndSystem.cs
[ ] StationEventSystem.cs
[ ] AdminManager.cs
[ ] ChatManager.cs
Verbs <- This list is kinda fucky, as there are Verbs embedded in components so ctrl-f if you wanna do it in one PR.
[ ] ExamineVerb.cs
[ ] ViewVariablesVerb.cs
[ ] SolutionTransferVerbs.cs
[ ] ConstructionComponent.Verbs.cs
[ ] AttachToGrandparentVerb.cs
[ ] AttachToGridVerb.cs
[ ] AttachToSelf.cs
[ ] ControlMobVerb.cs
[ ] DeleteVerb.cs
[ ] InRangeUnoccludedVerb.cs
[ ] MakeGhostRoleVerb.cs
[ ] MakeSentientVerb.cs
[ ] PointingVerb.cs
[ ] RejuvenateVerb.cs
[ ] ControlMob.cs
[ ] DeleteEntitiesWithComponent.cs
[ ] DSay.cs
[ ] Rejuvenate.cs
[ ] SetAdminOOC.cs
[ ] SetMindCommand.cs
[ ] SetOutfitCommand.cs
[ ] FactionCommand.cs
[ ] SuicideCommand.cs
[ ] TubeConnectionsCommand.cs
[ ] StationEventCommand.cs
[ ] VoteCommands.cs
[ ] AdminMenuWindow.xaml.cs
[ ] SetOutfitMenu.xaml.cs
[ ] StationEventsWindow.xaml.cs
[ ] ConstructionMenu.xaml.cs
[ ] LauncherConnectingGui.xaml.cs
[ ] SuspicionGui.xaml.cs
[ ] VoteCallMenu.xaml.cs
[x] BlockGameMenu.cs
[x] SpaceVillainArcadeMenu.cs
[x] CommunicationsConsoleMenu.cs
[x] ConstructionMenuPresenter.cs
[ ] GasAnalyzerMenu.cs
[x] ConfigurationMenu.cs
[x] WiresMenu.cs
[x] LatheQueueMenu.cs
[ ] ResearchConsoleMenu.cs
[ ] MainMenu.cs
[ ] ActionMenu.cs
[ ] CargoConsoleMenu.cs
[ ] CargoConsoleOrderMenu.cs
[ ] GalacticBankSelectionMenu.cs
[ ] IdCardConsoleWindow.cs
[ ] GasCanisterWindow.cs
[ ] SurgeryWindow.cs
[ ] ChemMasterWindow.cs
[ ] ReagentDispenserWindow.cs
[ ] CloningPodWindow.cs
[ ] CrayonWindow.cs
[ ] DisposalMailingUnitWindow.cs
[ ] DisposalRouterWindow.cs
[ ] DisposalTaggerWindow.cs
[ ] DisposalUnitWindow.cs
[ ] MedicalScannerWindow.cs
[ ] AcceptCloningWindow.cs
[ ] AMEWindow.cs
[ ] GasTankWindow.cs
[ ] CreditsWindow.cs
[ ] RoundEndSummaryWindow.cs
[ ] GasCanisterBoundUserInterface.cs
[ ] BodyScannerDisplay.cs
[ ] ChemMasterBoundUserInterface.cs
[ ] ReagentDispenserBoundUserInterface.cs
[ ] MicrowaveBoundUserInterface.cs
[ ] ReagentGrinderBoundUserInterface.cs
[ ] MagicMirrorBoundUserInterface.cs
[ ] PDABoundUserInterface.cs <- Some stuff is localized, not everything.
NOTE: Submitting this since i'm scared of losing work, compiling this was an absolute ass.
Was gonna make this a project but I think an issue is good 'nuff. This issue is only tracking components and UI/Menus, NOT entities.
Our docs on Fluent. Basically fluent replaces the content Loc.GetString() with a identifier that reads from the .flt files in our locale directory.
Most of the Loc.GetStrings in the codebase have not been converted over to this new system, so get crackin' and fix em. It's pretty easy to do, but do NOT web-edit it or I will close your PR.
Ngl this is pretty tedious and since I expect you to check in-game that you've done this right I don't recommend you make massive PRs for this. However, I also will not approve of a million tiny PRs for each component.
Not touching any BodySystem stuff to make stuff easier on @DrSmugleaf .
Verbs <- This list is kinda fucky, as there are Verbs embedded in components so ctrl-f if you wanna do it in one PR.
Content.Shared few files