[ ] Making it run ~in 40 milliseconds~ faster (it takes me 35 seconds to run it locally, 2 minutes in CI and it only does one map file at a time for example).
[x] Icon smoothing.
[x] Layer direction.
[ ] RSI delays and animations.
[ ] Adding support for selectively rendering entities (including/excluding wires, including container contents).
[ ] Separating these different versions of the map into different images.
[x] Hiding the dummy client entity.
[x] Removing the submodule update.
[ ] Make it take entities into account for image bounds, not just the grid box.
[x] Test with multiple grids.
[ ] Make it use os mesa and llvmpipe for off screen rendering. (when PJB compiles it)
Merged in https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/3613
Make it use os mesa and llvmpipe for off screen rendering. (when PJB compiles it)