space-wizards / space-station-14

A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13.
MIT License
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The road to MRP #7809

Closed moonheart08 closed 2 months ago

moonheart08 commented 2 years ago

Easy features

Elijahrane commented 2 years ago

Do we want to introduce an MRPPrototypes folder, containing MRP-exclusive content, or should we keep it with the existing prototypes data? (This also applies to LRP, so that could have an LRPPrototypes folder if necessary. Load order would be Prototypes first, then the RP level specific prototypes)

I think splitting content in two like that isn't very good for what's supposed to be the model upstream for all forks. That seems outside the scope of what this is for. The most I'd like to see is server configuration to disable specific events in dynamic

WTCWR68 commented 2 years ago

What features do we need to make MRP engaging? More roleplay fluff definitely needs added, but ones to focus on are welcome (Don't make your own checkbox list, I'll add them under the features lists myself if you ping me on github) @moonheart08

Perhaps adding in crew records could help people build characters (Medical, employment, security and general records).

Alongside this possibly paperwork could be a useful tool along with more strict job requirements (for head and AI in particular)

moonheart08 commented 2 years ago

Do we want to introduce an MRPPrototypes folder, containing MRP-exclusive content, or should we keep it with the existing prototypes data? (This also applies to LRP, so that could have an LRPPrototypes folder if necessary. Load order would be Prototypes first, then the RP level specific prototypes)

I think splitting content in two like that isn't very good for what's supposed to be the model upstream for all forks. That seems outside the scope of what this is for. The most I'd like to see is server configuration to disable specific events in dynamic

It is less a split and more a "add a handful of features on MRP" For example Prisoner would be enabled this way. Many servers that do an RP/No-RP split either have one side prioritized, or have two separate codebases, one of which has been dead for the past year because it's diverged too hard and nobody can maintain it. This allows for a much smaller scale split.

ike709 commented 2 years ago

The rules file to use needs to be made into a CVar

Is it really better to have the entirety of the rules stored in a cvar instead of like... a txt file?

mirrorcult commented 2 years ago

The rules file to use needs to be made into a CVar

Is it really better to have the entirety of the rules stored in a cvar instead of like... a txt file?

..pretty sure she means a cvar for the path to the rules file

ike709 commented 2 years ago

Oh right I did misread that yeah. Flavor text should also be a cvar, a lot of servers don't like it since a lot of players write very cringe flavortext.

Morb0 commented 2 years ago

Some thoughts on what's missing for MRP.

WTCWR68 commented 2 years ago

The white list for races. At the MRP level, players for other races must know at least lore of their race and be able to correctly role play. Behavior of many players on other races is no different from humans.

I actually am hoping to discuss this next maintainer meeting @Morb0

Fishfish458 commented 2 years ago

Extensively knowing race lore actually sounds more along the HRP lines. Understanding mannerisms yes but whitelisting species no.

Peptide90 commented 2 years ago

Extensively knowing race lore actually sounds more along the HRP lines. Understanding mannerisms yes but whitelisting species no.

Agree. As long as they understand the minimum which is name convention and mannerisms (wiki will do) but in general whitelist ability is needed for special cases, forks etc.

All other good points raised by others though, tcoms will be a lot more important for MRP than LRP but as a minimum product we can live without I think. More of a "nice to have" category of things that make it run smoother.

TimrodDX commented 2 years ago

The problem with playtime tracking is that there's a large potential audience for MRP/HRP servers coming from SS13 who have hundreds of hours logged there, but haven't played SS14 yet. Forcing them to unlock stuff might be a turn-off for that kind of player.

The races I think would also need to be modified in that most of the ones we have are kind of parodies of existing material that lend themselves more to comedy than to "serious" roleplay.

Fishfish458 commented 2 years ago

The problem with playtime tracking is that there's a large potential audience for MRP/HRP servers coming from SS13 who have hundreds of hours logged there, but haven't played SS14 yet. Forcing them to unlock stuff might be a turn-off for that kind of player.

Playtime tracking would be fine if it's just for job unlocks specifically, but not a fan of it for unlocking anything else.

Morb0 commented 2 years ago

The problem with playtime tracking is that there's a large potential audience for MRP/HRP servers coming from SS13 who have hundreds of hours logged there, but haven't played SS14 yet. Forcing them to unlock stuff might be a turn-off for that kind of player.

From my observations, percentage of players who came from SS13 is very low, and I understand why. In SS14, the main players are those who, for whatever reason, can not or do not want to play SS13. Even an experienced SS13 player would do well to play on assistant and get to grips with new controls.

juliangiebel commented 2 years ago

All other good points raised by others though, tcoms will be a lot more important for MRP than LRP but as a minimum product we can live without I think. More of a "nice to have" category of things that make it run smoother.

Having proper departmental channels and knowing who just ordered you over common by having their job next to the name is essential to MRP imo.

PDA messages would be really good in the future, with an option for them that makes them additionally display in chat.

Froozigiusz commented 2 years ago

Third tab in the Information menu giving a bit of introductory lore for the specific map/server. Short description of what's happening is enough and it's in convenient place.

Peptide90 commented 2 years ago

Third tab in the Information menu giving a bit of introductory lore for the specific map/server. Short description of what's happening is enough and it's in convenient place.

Think this is embodied in our need for ingame guides and stuff in general, so probably file that there as an good option but not necessary to get going.

Froozigiusz commented 2 years ago

Third tab in the Information menu giving a bit of introductory lore for the specific map/server. Short description of what's happening is enough and it's in convenient place.

Think this is embodied in our need for ingame guides and stuff in general, so probably file that there as an good option but not necessary to get going.

There is a difference between in-game tutorial/wikipedia and short introduction of what and where per station/session, but I can see your point. I just thought of something similar to the EU4 opening screen talking about region, politics, religion , etc. and not needing to search them in a wiki.

Peptide90 commented 2 years ago

Third tab in the Information menu giving a bit of introductory lore for the specific map/server. Short description of what's happening is enough and it's in convenient place.

Think this is embodied in our need for ingame guides and stuff in general, so probably file that there as an good option but not necessary to get going.

There is a difference between in-game tutorial/wikipedia and short introduction of what and where per station/session, but I can see your point. I just thought of something similar to the EU4 opening screen talking about region, politics, religion , etc. and not needing to search them in a wiki.

My bad I guess I misunderstood, this the F1 menu? In general there's roadmap stuff we need in for the server browser for things like MOTD but yeah if maps can have a pre packaged blurb and picture that would be ideal for both map voting if servers use that as well as an info page.

KuroReaper commented 2 years ago

So far I concur with most of the ideas for MRP. But the PDA messaging and radio channels is a must before you establish that sort of setting.

Snowni commented 2 years ago

I think there's a lot of proposed items here that are necessary to make MRP smoother. They'd benefit LRP as well but these are QoL stuff that we could sorely benefit from, to make the experience better for players. The typing indicator is pretty huge. I think we need that one before we launch it. Radio channels and what not would be a huge help, but might not necessarily be required. At minimum, just having the job title beside their name might suffice, but that's at a bare minimum. As is, it's way too difficult to lose the plot when looking through common.

How soon did we want this server to go up? Seems to me we may want to implement more features first.

moonheart08 commented 2 years ago

I think there's a lot of proposed items here that are necessary to make MRP smoother. They'd benefit LRP as well but these are QoL stuff that we could sorely benefit from, to make the experience better for players. The typing indicator is pretty huge. I think we need that one before we launch it. Radio channels and what not would be a huge help, but might not necessarily be required. At minimum, just having the job title beside their name might suffice, but that's at a bare minimum. As is, it's way too difficult to lose the plot when looking through common.

How soon did we want this server to go up? Seems to me we may want to implement more features first.

There is no assigned timeline.

Snowni commented 2 years ago

Probably for the best that it doesn't get rushed then, despite the excitement.

Mannybrado commented 2 years ago

PDA messaging isn't needed, but radio channels are. Coordination within a department is absolutely needed at the bare-minimum. PDA messages let people communicate without using the common channel, which is to say that asking "Hey Jimmy, where are you?" over the main station comms channel is cringe... but not as important as department coordination. Typing indicator is utterly essential, like, completely.

My current worries for an MRP server generally stem from, well... the game's just not ready. Enforcing rules is one thing, but when you only have the bare-minimum for higher-level roleplay in place, all you have holding everything together is going to be the rules. If people aren't pressed to interact and to play their character, the roleplay environment will eventually suffer. The best possible roleplay experience is one where the gameplay holds up the roleplay, and its just nowhere near that point yet. I do guess that experimenting by letting people do more character-driven roleplay with tighter expectations could be interesting, but I just REALLY REALLY hope that this doesn't end up as a version of LRP code but with stricter rules. This is kind of precedent-setting for this project and I hope it goes well. 🤓

Mannybrado commented 2 years ago

the lore channel should be brought back for discussing it on the discord

ike709 commented 2 years ago

Species need naming conventions and the name randomizer needs to follow it. For example, lizards are Verbs-the-Noun like Mops-the-Floor, but other middle-words are often allowed.

ike709 commented 2 years ago

Space law needs to be added to the TODO list

Veritius commented 2 years ago

@moonheart08 Typing indicators were done in #8215

ike709 commented 2 years ago

Rules cvar can be ticked off the list

Androidonator commented 1 year ago

In my honest opinion adding PDA DM's is a must for MRP and whispering like literally one character whispering to another. Also station goals and points to incentivise good behavior.

mirrorcult commented 1 year ago

we have whispering

juliangiebel commented 1 year ago

In my honest opinion adding PDA DM's is a must for MRP and whispering like literally one character whispering to another. Also station goals and points to incentivise good behavior.

I will be working on PDA DMs in the near future. It comes after PDA Cartridges on my list of things I want to implement.

Visne commented 1 year ago

Minimum play time requirements for important roles (esp command and sec)

Think this can be ticked off now.

Edit: I've ticked it.

Morb0 commented 1 year ago

A very important but forgotten thing - the fax machine The communication of the station and the centcom through announcements is terrible...

DogZeroX commented 10 months ago

Still relevant I suppose

UbaserB commented 3 months ago

i thought we didnt want lore for MRP

moonheart08 commented 3 months ago

i thought we didnt want lore for MRP

last I was involved, we didn't want it for LRP but were okay with it for MRP.

mirrorcult commented 2 months ago

we have mrp now should be separated into diff issues now