spacebake / Loungeware

A Warioware-style collaboration game
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control remapping (gamepad & keyboard) #214

Closed tfg1434 closed 2 years ago

tfg1434 commented 2 years ago

lets you rebind shit

changes way gamepad is handled -- axises no longer count in _global.controllervalues.state, instead global.controller_values.axes_state

modified ___menu_draw_vertical to support multiple haligns (there is a bug that is still in there with the width of strikethrough)

added an ___obj_options object

added _global.curr... on top of global.default_...

TODO: prettify save/load


tfg1434 commented 2 years ago

i'll draw the other icons eventually

reset the binds to default by holding escape (suggestions for unresettable key for this on gamepad (esc for gamepad))?