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331 - Assess Group Workflow options #337

Open treasuretron opened 4 years ago

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 6, 2019, 23:44

We will assess this sandbox module

to see if it mostly fit our workflow needs. And other currently open source efforts.

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 6, 2019, 23:44

changed title from Assess Group Workflow module to {+331 - +}Assess Group Workflow module

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 7, 2019, 21:23

This module only enables workflow to be applied to the content associated with groups, rather than the groups themselves, so doesn't suit our needs.

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 7, 2019, 21:55

changed title from 331 - Assess Group Workflow {-module-} to 331 - Assess Group Workflow {+options+}

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 7, 2019, 21:55

changed the description

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 7, 2019, 21:56

This issues looks more related to our needs, it has patches and is worth assessing

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 7, 2019, 22:21

This looks like the thread

Also related @jayelless you pop up in this thread!

It's clear that this is the current direction and we should join the effort, and judging by the number of comments and patches it's non-trivial. Discussed with @jayelless and he agrees.

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 12, 2019, 22:52

Rich has made a good suggestion - if the above workflow thread investigtaion looks like there is a lot more work to do, he's happy for the mission, description and success metrics to be independent content referenced on the project group, so that we can apply standard drupal workflow to them. This will only require a little manual template re-rendering, but isn't the most extensible/robust solution.

treasuretron commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @thomasmurphy on Mar 13, 2019, 23:11

@jayelless we're parking this as lower priority for now