spacebudz / lucid

Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript, Deno and Node.js.
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[Question] How to deal with parameterized script properly? #165

Closed ahaxu closed 1 year ago

ahaxu commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, i have one question about parameterized script.

From this minting policy

const mintingPolicy: MintingPolicy = {
  type: "PlutusV2",
  script: applyParamsToScript<Params>(

I guess, the plutus code (haskell) may be

data MintingParams = MintingParams
    { name :: BuiltinByteString
     , amount:: Integer
makeLift ''MintingParams

{-# INLINABLE mkParameterizedMintingValidator #-}
mkParameterizedMintingValidator :: MintingParams -> () -> () -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkParameterizedMintingValidator p () () ctx =

To have the parameterized plutus script in CBOR format, i write a cli to generate the plutus script in CBOR with parameter(s) provided by cli's args. By using this way, we already filled the parameter. Then, from front end side we apply applyParamsToScript function to the parameter again (a bytes confused here)

So, my question is what is the good way to deal with parameterized validator or minting script? Thank you for taking your time to reading this question.

alessandrokonrad commented 1 year ago

Hey, I'm not sure if I fully got it. So you say you already applied the parameters through your cli. When you did that already you don't need to use the applyParamsToScript function anymore in Lucid.

ahaxu commented 1 year ago

Thank you @alessandrokonrad. i think i will use cli to generate parameterized script.