Generalized process that will handle output from satellite
This will eventually be send all output details to the radio in a controlled manner. However, for now we will be only sending to output on the serial debug on the arietta. So we can do this in a somewhat abstract way:
Superclass that will handle the i/o in a general way
Read the output from the various named pipe files that we have
Insert the results into a buffer
For now, this buffer is a simple queue. Later, this will likely be changed to a priority queue.
Write to output function
Subclass that will implement the write to output function.
For now, simply consume the contents of the queue, and write to a named pipe
This named pipe will be the input for the serial debug communication process based on #18
Generalized process that will handle output from satellite
This will eventually be send all output details to the radio in a controlled manner. However, for now we will be only sending to output on the serial debug on the arietta. So we can do this in a somewhat abstract way: