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Apogee script - issue with OpenRocket Plot #10

Closed SpaceShawn closed 8 years ago

SpaceShawn commented 8 years ago

When the apogee detection script is run, Figure 1 overlays all the data, aligned to the apogee in each data source.

figure 1

We can see that the avionics data sources follow closely from t=0, eventually deviating on the apogee. However, the OpenRocket Simulation data seems to start climbing rapidly and descends rapidly in a period of roughly ten seconds, beginning at roughly 25 seconds.

The OpenRocket Simulation data seems to be greatly compressed in terms of time, if you look closely you can see the recovery slope towards the end of that steep curve.

There is perhaps an error with the interpolation, we should see the OpenRocket Simulation data curve follow similarly to the others, this is especially evident when we look at Figure 2, and the data output to the console.

figure 2

Please investigate

BMP : idx = 3135; time = 3.104300e+01; max_alt = 4.781330e+03
ROCKET : idx = 3055; time = 3.055000e+01; max_alt = 3.878880e+03
STRAT : idx = 2945; time = 2.945000e+01; max_alt = 4.302449e+03
SIM : idx = 523; time = 2.522400e+01; max_alt = 3.241900e+03