All other plotting is working correctly using multiplot so far, except reynolds_number:
>> VerticalFlight_TestScript
Updating Parametric Data...
Running Simulation...
Plotting output...
Error using plot
Data may not have more than 2 dimensions
Error in multiplot/mysubplot (line 170)
lineHdl{indA} = plot(axesHdl(ind), p.Results.XData{ind}, p.Results.YData{ind}, lineSpec{indLS});
Error in multiplot (line 118)
Error in VerticalFlight_TestScript (line 52)
multiplot(xdata, ydata, 'YLabel', ylabel, ...
Here is a sample output when outputting reynolds_number after the simulation
reynolds_number(:,:,54) =
For some reason, Matlab thinks reynolds_number is a three-dimensional array, when in fact it is one-dimensional.
All other plotting is working correctly using multiplot so far, except reynolds_number:
Here is a sample output when outputting reynolds_number after the simulation
For some reason, Matlab thinks reynolds_number is a three-dimensional array, when in fact it is one-dimensional.