Open A-Hubbell opened 9 years ago
I'm assuming you're referring to the development branch here? This is a question best answered by Shawn Stoute because I'm not sure which I2C outputs we are interested in.
Here is the code in question:
/**** /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0023/iio:device3/in_voltage5_raw : channel 6 - solar panel1_3 voltage divider ****/
readDevice(pPath, "/in_voltage6_raw");
The comment refers to in_voltage5_raw, however in_voltage6_raw is actually being read. Which one is correct?
Yes I was referring to the development branch which I'm working out of, but the same issue is in the master branch.
Is this issue resolved?
Line 41 comment shows the path to "in_voltage5_raw" but the function is calling the device name "in_voltage6_raw".