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ANSYS Thermal Modeling #188

Open Tdemuren15 opened 4 years ago

Tdemuren15 commented 4 years ago
thwhite commented 4 years ago

Here are some thoughts I have:

Current status:

Conclusion so far: the ANSYS model agrees with the final expected temperature of the body with the hand calculations. However, the modeling of the thermal transient involved suggests that there is non-zero hope that the outside structure of the satellite may insulate the batteries for some period of time. Key variable involved remains material properties, which are also the next large area of work.

Next steps:

thwhite commented 4 years ago

Other stuff to do:

thwhite commented 4 years ago

During meeting, also corrected for earth albedo - turns out that earth is incapable of reflecting sunlight while also blocking the sun at the same time. Heat flux reduced to ambient earth IR output value instead.

thwhite commented 4 years ago

Increased mesh resolution. Redoing convergence study.

thwhite commented 4 years ago

Found some more material data on FR-4 here:

thwhite commented 4 years ago

Other next moves: remove a couple of unnecessary features from the part.

thwhite commented 4 years ago

Goals coming out of Monday meeting with Manchester:

thwhite commented 4 years ago

Docs on how to set up transient thermal conditions: